First early scan - doesn't sound right.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I really need some honesty, and ideally reassurance..?

I've just had my first scan at the EPU, after my bleed last week.
They found a sac and possibly the start of an embryo at about 1mm. They said everything looked as it should at this time and booked me another next week.

By ovulation date Im 6 weeks today, and by LMP Im 5+5. I believe baby should be bigger than 1mm going by either of these dates. Im so scared.
That sounds right hun. I saw a website that said baby grows 1mm a day from 6 weeks so if it is 5mm it means your 6+5wks. So 1mm seems spot on. I will see if u can find the website for you xx
Here you go hun.

I've found a thread listing sizes between 5-6 weeks, all are between 2-5mm :(
I think the nurses just didn't want to worry me and are waiting on next weeks scan
I had a scan at 6+1 and was put back to 5+6 and inly a yolk sac visable hun eith Noah x
Youll be amazed how big theyve grown in such a small time!
Literally, every website says it should be bigger than that by this stage.
They do grow so much hun in a short space, this is why early scans this early aren't done as they can cause more worry that's not necessary. Just think how tiny 1mm is and how hard to must be to measure, it is so easy to be out by a tiny bit and change the results for size and age. xx
I don't know. No sickness, no symptoms, and now this. I really don't want to wait a week and get expected bad news.
Is it worth getting second private measurements? Im going to kill myself with worry and heartache.
Hey love

Try not to worry too much on what the internet says baby/yolk should be as each one is different.

I got put back and forward twice and I knew exactly when I ovd! and the day concieved!

The good news is they have seen something and hopefully by next week baby will have grew rapid.

Good luck.

Lilmisshopeful on here had an awful time last year and I'm sure she won't might be sharing. At 6wks she had a scan measured 5wks and nothing seen. Scan at 7+2wks measured 6+4wks so 8days behind. Scan at 9+2wks baby measured 9+6wks so 4 days ahead. She went from being told it was a blighted ovum to having a baby measure ahead on dates in 4 wks.

Stay strong hunny, you could get a private scan but it probably won't give you that peace of mind. It is probably best waiting til babu is bigger next week xx
I also got put back and forth with Noah on scans after that.

Even this pregnancy i went to a private scan thinking i was 7+5 told 7+3 then 4 days later had a bleed (would of been 8wks going from that scan) and she said in 8+4.

They grow so quick and at diff rates hun. Try not to worry yourself xx
Theres a reason they do them around 12 weeks
Theyre all more or less caught up to the same rate by then
I know when my lmp and conception date was. I had early scans due to pain. The dates jumped loads but from my 12 week scan onwards they were always bob on
Even at 7weeks theyre soooo teeny

Think how stressful ttc was
Pregnancy doesnt get any easier lol
I'm driving myself insane... I just want to book a private scan desperately. I bet that sounds really stupid, but to get another opinion and perhaps not such a rushed scan would be fantastic. Maybe in a couple of days? Would it be worth it? I don't think my husband would be too keen, seeing as the next one is in 7 days..
I had a scan at 5+6 hoping to see a heartbeat but there was none and the baby was only 2mm. I was worried sick but at 8 weeks the baby was the right size with a nice heartbeat. xx
I mc and even though they did see something before confirming it when I asked about the thing she seen I got a basically cold reply.

EPU are there as a more medical procedure, I dont think they get how important all the info is for someone who has been TTC or had difficulty, its like they have no empathy?

Personally I would wait, unless I got a super cheap deal. I had to wait 3 days and 2 scans later to be told I mc. I dont think Id have paid money to be told that info..

Personal preference really, but I dunno how much info the private techs will give as apposed to the NHS ones? Ive no experience in the private ones. But medically I think Id trust the NHS. Hopefully next scan will be more positive.

You're right in all of those points. I just can't shake the feeling they're "waiting to see" next week if anything has changed and were just being positive for my sake while I wait the week.

Would I have had a 3+ on the digi if things had stopped progressing? I'm still getting very dark lines on HTPs too. I'm such a panicker, I'm sorry.

Should I try to get some blood tests done?
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I had an early scan at 6 weeks and they couldn't see anything - went back just over a week later and they confirmed I was having twins!
It really is just a 'wait & see' situation - as frustrating as that is, you could pay for a private scan and still get no further information - the hospital have arranged a scan for a week later as that's probably when they expect to see something!

Bloods won't necessarily confirm anything either - they may show levels of HGC but you would need repeat blood tests done again a few days later to see if the levels are rising - so even then it's a waiting game!

I know it's hard - I spent nearly a month at the start of this pregnancy convinced there would be nothing there and I'm now 32 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls! Xx
Kitty I worry that you are causing yourself too much stress honey, and that certainly isn't good for the wee one.

If I were you I'd wait until next week and please try not to worry. Keep yourself busy and it'll be Monday again before you know it xx
I emailed a couple of private places for advice and to see whether they thought it was worthwhile. The first responded with at 6 weeks embryo should be 5mm.
I know I'm not wrong with my ovulation dates.
I'm incredibly worried, which I know is no good for anyone - but presented with such information, I don't know how to relax

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