finding out the sex....


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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hmmm not sure how to word this as I don't want to sound like a right cow, but I was wondering if anyone else has felt the same.... here goes, yesterday we had our 20wks scan, we asked if they could tell us the gender as we both wanted to know (we already have a 21month old boy), I thought it would be a boy & OH thought it was a girl, OH half was right it seems we're having a girl. Well to be honest not only did I think we were having another boy but I WANTED a boy so when we heard I was disappointed (somewhat). OH didn't know I felt this stronge until we got home and I processed to cry cause I felt bad for the way I felt about knowing we're having a girl. I know I should be glad that 1. we're having another baby and 2. that it seems to be healthy. I'm getting my head round it now and getting used to the idea of having a girl. We both start thinking of some names and I don't feel as bad as I did yessterday when we found out, guess with time I may feel as excited as I when we first found out about Otis.
I just though it might be worth posting this as maybe I'm not the only one that feels (felt) this way.
This is my first so i cant speak from experience and i dont yet know the sex but this is not the first post iv read that has said this.
I think lots of women feel this way, especially as you were sure you were having a boy and therefore looked forward to it.
You'll probably find in a little while that il was just shock more than dissapointment and you'l forget you ever felt that way.
Remember your hormones are amplifying issues at the moment as well making things seem a lot bigger then they actually are.
Sure you'll soon be counting the days until you can meet your little girl :)
When i was pregnant with my second (my 1st was a boy) i hoped for another boy as a buddy for him. i had a boy and it is great having two boys althougth they fight like cat and dog and never agree on anything, i since have longed for a daughter to share my life with. it is true what they say 'a son's a son til he finds a wife, but a daughter is a friend for life' rejoice in your luck and don't feel bad.
I was utterly convinced i was having a boy, i'd even taking to calling baby he cos i dont like saying "it", up until my scan i was looking forward to finding out i was having a boy but due to baby daddy being a twat i started worrying that having a boy would remind me of him.

I've never been more nervous in my life when it came to finding out the sex and the sonagrapher was looking for me! When she said girl i was so shocked but unbelievably happy! As it happened Baby daddy wasnt as pleased and even told me he was disappointed and hasnt been involved in her since!

I think even though you may feel shocked atm and its coming across as disappointment you'll love you're little girl just as much as you love your son and just as easily, you'll find yourself thinking how you couldnt imagine her being a boy anymore soon enough
i put a post a while ago about a similar thing and i know some where a bit upset by it but the truth is i really dont want a boy, i keep looking at boys things trying to get into the idea i may have a boy but i just dont want to look at it, i am scared to find out the sex as i will be devistated if its a boy but have to know so i can get used to the idea if it is.
Its all very well saying so long as its healthy etc etc as i know all that but i cant make my self feel any other way and the bottom line is i dont want a boy!!

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