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Back from 4D Scan...WE KNOW THE SEX!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Hey Girls...

Just got back and we found out the sex!!!!

Im afraid the majority of you were wrong..

Its a BOY!

I am absolutely OVER THE MOON, my gut instinct said boy all along but really didnt think it would be a boy because so many people thought I was having a girl!

OH is so chuffed too, we cant stop grinning, im the happiest girl in the world.

The 4D scan was AWESOME. Id really recommend it to everyone!!!

My little man is the most gorgeous thing ever...we got one piccie to take away today and the DVD and CD is in the post. As soon as they arrive I will upload the pics off the CD and show you all. I was close to tears through the whole thing, it was truly amazing, worth every penny.

I cant believe im going to have a son. Yay!!!!! :cheer:

Sorry to have kept you waiting again (we went to Mcdonalds after lol)

congratulations hun im glad you had a lovely day :hug: :cheer:
Congrats twinny!!!!!!! Wow I was wrong!!!! I am sooooo thrilled for you **goes off to dance a jig but looks ridculous as I am waddling!!! :rotfl: **

Have been thinking bout you today, I bet you are both thrilled1!!!

Have you bought any blue yet??? Got any names for the little fella?

Cant wait to see the piccies!!

Does that mean I have to have a boy too now (how mad would that be!!! :shock: )
That's fab! Your OH must be over the moon! You will have to have a little girl next time so you can play beauty therapists together :lol: We needed some boys though, haven't been many recently :)

Oh ok I was wrong but I admit I started to have doubts about my decision yesterday :lol:

So any name ideas? When are you going shopping?
wohoo!!! :cheer:

such great news, i knew it was a boy from quite early on!! :talkhand: im so pleased for you and OH. i feel really happy and warm inside!!

My oh is pleased as well!! we are toying with the idea of having one but will see what happens at the 20 week scan.

Well done jade!! :wave:
Yippppeeee! I am so pleased for you and I was right too!!!

We are both having little boys. I cannot wait to see your photos and you have talked me into having a 4D scan now!

So pleased for you hunny!

That is Brilliant news hun, I am really pleased for...................

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Can't wait for mine now :dance: xxxx
Great news Jaidy!
I really thought you had a girlie in there!
So pleased for you.
Congrats - I was right too!!
you were having the same symptoms as me and my little man...!!
Yay a boy!
awww that is brilliant hun so happy for u n i was rite to hehe
does he have a name yet or not?
congratrulations - and I admit I was wrong !!!!!!!!!!!

bet you are so excited :clap: :clap: :clap:
We have a few names we like so nothing is set in stone but Zachary Peter Scadding is our first choice at the moment (Zack for short) but you never know things could change!!

We are going shopping this weekend for sure, OH is a mechanic and have seen a gorgeous little outfit in blue with 'baby mechanic' written on it, I so gotta get it for my little man, daddy will be so proud!
i never guess coz i know nothing about bumps lol. but congrats :) xx
i was wrong

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! cant wait to see piccies babes! so happy for u

hate to say i told you so *sniggers :D

*dances* i got it rightttttt :D lol

im soo chufed for you hunny, i kno its what really wanted xx
congratulations jade! :cheer: Glad you enjoyed the scan. Where are the pictures?

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