Finding it hard to drink

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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For some reason I am really struggling to drink much. I usually drink loads, can guzzle a glass of water no problem but for some reason I can't at the moment and now started to worry that I am not taking in enough fluid for my little bubba.

Am I weird?!
does it make you feel sick to drink? Or can you just not physically drink anything??

Some days I am finding I can't stop drinking, others I just can't even think of having even a sip cos it just won't go down.

If you are worried, try to make sure you are eating plenty of 'wet' foods, so foods with plenty of moisture (sauces etc). Many people don't realise that the recommended 8 glasses of water a day doesn't just have to be pain water, you can get it from your food, tea, coffee, anything that has water in it!

Hope that helps :D
Doesn't make me feel sick, I just can't physically get it down me :?

I have gone off tea althogether so just trying to stick to water or squash. Last night I even tried juice to see if that helps and couldn't get that down me either. I don't even feel thirsty :?
ice lollies are good if you don't fancy a drink
I was (am) the same. I usually drink loads of water and squash but never really fancied anything. I drank plain fizzy water as that was the only thing I fancied, but couldn't manage quantities. I'd pour out a glass and drink half and that was it. I resorted to ice lollies too- I found some in the freezer my nieces had lft and ate them - they were flavours that would normally make me gag but reallly enjoyed them. I am on plain still water with lots of ice at the moment, but can also now drink squash, so it is getting better. I did have to get up 3 times in the night to wee though........
I ate plenty of fruit (starving all the time!!) to help stop getting dehydrated.
madam bully said:
Doesn't make me feel sick, I just can't physically get it down me :?

I have gone off tea althogether so just trying to stick to water or squash. Last night I even tried juice to see if that helps and couldn't get that down me either. I don't even feel thirsty :?

I bought a magazine and it said to avoid tap water just incase the pesticides are in there still. I drink tea and now can drink coffee again as i did go right off it unusual for me as i used to drink coffee everyday and all i drank lol.

i also buy orange juice,apple juice,milk (blue top) i avoid caffine completely,drink decaff stuff exept sat and sund just gone i had caffine both days and baby was very active :lol: also cuts down on your calcium so i aint having caffine no more :)

Do u eat fruit, yoghurts?

I have to get up in the early hours to go toilet too, not sure if its baby wakes me up or the toilet need :lol:
I am eating a fair bit of fruit, especially strawberries, loving them, getting through half a punnet a day and also having melon so it's not to bad.

I keep waking up about 5 in the morning needing the loo so I guess I am ok, probably just worrying over nothing!
I like the icelolly idea!! :cheer:
As for going off tea and coffee.... GOOD! it is linked to miscarriage and we are advised not to drink too much, or like me if you've lost before not at all.
Not even the caffine free stuff as the companies will not tell the researchers what they use to rmove/replace the caffine. So please ladies try not to drink too much of that or Fizzy drinks with Caffine in, like coke , irn bru etc/.

sorry to be the voice of concern, but i think people should know.
Good luck with the icelolly... :D Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

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