Find your babies forum twin!


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Lets find the baby on the forum who is most like ours. If we each give a few facts about our baby, we'll see who is the most alike. :D

- Brody was breastfed for 9 months.
- He was a TERRIBLE sleeper and didn't sleep through till he was 9 months old. He's fine now though.
- He loves his food, especially brocolli and pasta.
- He's very content, always has been pretty much.
- His favourite song is row row row your boat.
- He is a right wriggler and never sits still EVER.

Any other baby out there just like Brody?
Cool Thread!

Charlies not Brody's forum twin I'm afraid.

-Charlie has blonde hair
-His eyes seems to change colour, sometimes there green, sometimes there blue (OH says there blue when he's happy, that's his colour eyes and green when he's moody, that' my colour eyes :lol: )
-He was breastfed for 5 and a half months.
-He loves his sleep and has two long naps a day.
-He is a piggy and loves peas, pasta and cheese.
-He is very independant and doesn't do cuddles :(
-He is very very ticklish!
Braydon Andrew AKA the monstor :rotfl:

-Braydon was Breast fed then went on to formula
-Braydon at 14 months still does not sleep thro
-he has Blonde hair and blue eyes
-he is a lil piggy loves yorkshire Puds and chicken
-he is starting to get more cuddley (never used to like em)
-he is a very content baby
-his favourite song is row row row ya boat - and does the arm actions
-and he is extremely over active
hehe good idea!

- Alex has blonde hair & blue eyes
- breast fed for 6 months
- slept through from about 11 weeks
- loves most food but fave is roast veggies (not too fussed with the meat!) or lasange or spag bol.
- very active, if not asleep then he's busy!
- very happy/content and independant but still loves a cuddle!
- fave song is this is the way the ladies ride...(its a kind horsey song)
- very ticklish esp if its raspberries on tummy or under arms!

just read this back and it sounds like a dating agency!!!! :lol:


:lol: EM78


- light brown hair, blue eyes
- still breastfed and will eat absolutly anything you give her
- started actual 8 pm bedtime at 6 months , but still wakes for night feeds, more for comfort.
-wont sit still always on the go
-very cuddly, mommys girl
- loves to be tickled and give kisses


-Breastfed till 9 months
-Starter sleeping through at 13 months (though recently has started waking again!! :cry: )
-Blone hair and grey/blue eyes
-Very active baby
-Loves cars
-Weighs almost 13kg already if not more!!
-Love his food
-Enjoys playing with older children
-Gets frustrated easily - head bangs and hits himself

He was bottle fed
He's still a terrible sleeper - why sleep when you can be up causing chaos
He will eat anything except peas (???)
He has blonde hair and blue eyes
He doesn't do giggling - it takes a LOT to get a giggle from him
His favourite song is hokey cokey
He's very 'serious'
He likes to be busy

I already know who his twin is - he's called Daniel and I must have been very evil in a past life to deserve two of them :wink:
Aimee has brown hair and blue eyes,
she is very tall and slim,
she was bottle fed but never liked it,
she is a terrible sleeper waking up every hour all night,
she is really active and never sits still even for 5 minutes,
she loves animals especially tigers!
she is really lovable and always comes up and gives kisses and hugs,
she loves pasta and cheese
she loves beating up her big sister!

bottle fed from 3 months
has dark blonde wavy hair
blue eyes
loves happy and you know it and loves clapping his hands
is a little piggy, eats nearly everything.
has worked out how to cry for attention.
Is my little darling.
*Harley is a great sleeper sleeps 13 hours a night
*hes very very chubby and will eat any thing and every thing
*he smiles at a any thing i can always make him giggle
*he loves bear in the big blue house
*he is bottle fed
*he is a very laid back baby and enjoys his own company
*and is very loving and cuddly
*Dior is such a charecter
*she will do any thing and every thing to make you giggle
*she is very shy but when she feels comfortable she is crackers
*she is a great sleeper and needs her sleep.
*she eats junk and hates healthy food :wall:
*loves her dummy
*if she dont want to do some thing she wont
*she dont like cuddles and is a daddies girl
*she loves dressing up handbags and make up.
- Oscar is still breastfed at 11 months - totally Boobie Mad!
- He is a TERRIBLE sleeper and sleeps in our bed :shock:
- He eats everything and loves unusual flavours. He's a fruity baby and loves watermelon, peaches & litchis to mention a few.
- He's very clingy, always has been.
- His favourite song is Wind the Bobbin up.
- He is a right wriggler and never sits still EVER.
- Oscar is VERY socialable and loves to swing around and hang upside down.
- He's very willful.
- He loves our pets & plays rough with the labrador.
- Oscar is my little honey.

Emilia xx
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
Braydon Andrew AKA the monstor :rotfl:

-Braydon was Breast fed then went on to formula
-Braydon at 14 months still does not sleep thro
-he has Blonde hair and blue eyes
-he is a lil piggy loves yorkshire Puds and chicken
-he is starting to get more cuddley (never used to like em)
-he is a very content baby
-his favourite song is row row row ya boat - and does the arm actions
-and he is extremely over active

I've found Aaron's twin!! :cheer:
i'll set off on younger babi's

- Alfie was bottlefed from Start
- he was 8lb 3 born, and is almost 3 months old
- my beautiful lil man has brown hair blue eyes and a very cheeky smile
- he wont take a dummy
- loves to munch on fist as hes teething
- very effectionate
- has lots of character and is generally a very happy boy alwats laughing


born 6/4/06 at 13.44 weighing 10lb 3
breastfed for 2 weeks then bottle fed
very happy chappy laughs all day at anyone and everything
thinks hes a stunt man at the moment- trying to climb everything, walk, run-----what a nightmare!!!
sleeps through most of the time but wakes up some nights just because he can!
really bright- takes after me of course??!!
strawberry bolondish brownish hair and bright blue eyes
very very very cheeky!
will eat anything, including dirt off the floor, thats a clue when i need to vacuum ha ha
the most amazing thing ever!!!!!![/list]
Ohhh fun
*Damon was bottlefed
*Birthweight was 8lb 9oz
*He has brown hair and blue eyes
*He will try and munch his fist when he wants feeding
*He always wakes up at about 6am for a feed then goes back off to sleep
*he loves to just chill out in his bouncy chair after a feed
*she weighed 8lbs exactly at birth
*molly was breastfed for a month then bottlefed cause shes greedy
* she sleeps a lot and wakes once in the night sometimes sleeps through
* she has not very much dark blonde hair
*shes a chubby baby with a big booty
*she sucks her thumb when shes tired
*she sits now
*rolled over and smiled at 3 months old
*she giggles when you kiss her neck
*she loves watching her brothers play and they make her laugh
*eats anything you give her but goes mad over fromage frais
* she grabs anything hair necklace nose etc...
*she has her daddys big ears poor baby :roll:
*and she has strange grey eyes wonder if they will change?
*and shes beautifull.


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