fighting my boob


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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I've been breastfeeding Zach for nearly 2 weeks now, it's been going fine apart from the last few days when i go to feed him, its as if hes fighting my boob and headbutting it and he gets cross and can't seem to latch on-it's really frustrating.

I'm also finding when he's had a long sleep my boobs are full and Zach finds it hard to latch on, how can i make it easier for him?

It could be that he is having difficulty latching on as your boob is so full. Perhaps express a little before feeding him so he can latch on better. As he gets bigger this will be less of an issue but as he is so small and stilllearning this might help him.
Basically what beanie says.

What i used to do was gently massage the breast then as the breast gets softer gently squeeze towards the nipple to encourage the milk to come out. After a little practice it got very easy and my breasts were less full.

By doing this you can ease your breasts and make it easier for the latch
India did this for a while. it passed though, everytime something happens to mess up her feeding rutiene, its usually resolved within a few days.
I just do what the other suggested when my boobs get engorged like that, it bloody hurts too, so hand expressing can be a life saver.
Hattie goes through this occasionally, I find that she was fighting my boob when latching her on if I was pushing her head towards my boob rather than guiding her pressing her at the top of her shoulders. I read that that was because babies instinctively turn towards the pressure on their head and I guess if the pressure is behind her head she will turn it that way. Does that make sense?
As the others said the latch on engorged boobs can be helped by expressing a little bit. I found having a bath and expressing into the bath water was the easiest initially as the warm water softens the breasts and makes it easier. I also found cabbage leaves a god send and had them in my bra for a couple of days, mmm I smelt like old cabbage soup but they really helped the engorgment and even if she had a long sleep my boobs were still soft enough to latch.
Hope this helps and good luck!

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