Fifty shades of Grey...


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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If you haven't read this book and it's 2 follow ups you need to get them in your life! My friend told me I should read it but warned me it was very "kinky"! I have to say there is a lot of sex in this book but it is a fantastic read! I've never read a book so quickly.
Have any of you read it? What did you think?
Hubby just bought all three for me! I haven't had a chance to read them yet though.
I've heard nothing but good, I'm in middle of hunger games so need to finish those first x
I read the trilogy in 4 days and I swear it's that that sent me into labour!! Xx
katie lets say they are very kinky! lol Fab books though its a trilogy. I'm thinking of reading them again! :D
I read them a few months ago and have to admit I was really really tuned in. I liked the majority of it however, I really didn't like the link between bdsm and abuse. Not everyone interested in it has Ben abused and can be 'fixed' by finding love. If anything, finding love made me more kinky ;)
But yeah a good read :)

Simons you'r right but it was a good story! My hubby was horrified when I told him what they were about haha
This is the second time today I've had a bunch of ladies recommend these books and rave about them *trundles off to Amazon to see how much they are on Kindle*
I've got them on my kindle, but I'm not that taken. I seem to be struggling to get into it- which is strange for me as I love to read erotica :-?
This is going to sound really strange, but I haven't been able to read my kindle since my BFP, i think it must be the smell of a book but all I want to read is a proper book. Maybe if I can find a real page turner for my kindle instead of the book I'm battling through on there atm, things may be different.
durham...keep going! It wasn't until a few chapters into the first book that I really took interest.
They are about £2.70 on the kindle sunshine x
I might have to try and pick it up again tonight ;)

Only trouble is that erotica makes me horny and OH has imposed a sex ban :shock:
I bought the first one last night, so, I'm going to finish the book I'm currently reading and get stuck in, the other books queued on my kindle and in paperback and wait!
I'm currently reading the first one thanks to this thread. It took me a few chapters to get into it, but I'm now getting through it rather quickly. It's a good story - not greatly written IMO, but a page turner that doesn't require a lot of brain-work iykwim.

Oh and personally I wouldn't put it in the "erotica" genre, although there's a fair amount of sex in it. That might just be me though.

Also, I've just downloaded the other two...

I've read them the second book is better than the first, and the third best of the three. More storyline in the subsequent books. But also the third book is written MUCH better. The first book is the authors first ever novel xx
It just wasn't what I was expecting , the reviews said it would appeal to a person interested on the bdsm scene and it didn't. Well not for me at least. . I feel it was a girl who fell for someone and tried to accept his issues but bdsm has nothing to do with your past ? Not for me anyway . So not good erotica and not a good storyline as a book on general in my opinion
I picked it up again last night, but found it very easy to put down when my eyes got heavy :-?
Iv brought the first book need to finish the last hunger games book first xxx

I'm reading this. Started today and onto the third chapter. I'm not finding the story regarding the characters very believable at the mo, maybe it will get better as I get further in x

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