FFS..new pregnancy "dont"


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Pregnant women are being urged to stop using perfumes or scented creams after research suggested the products could cause unborn boys to suffer infertility or cancer in later life.

Research on rats has found the reproductive system of male foetuses could be damaged by chemicals as early as eight weeks' gestation by chemicals including those found in cosmetics.

Such damage could lead to infertility or testicular cancer, according to the research by Professor Richard Sharpe, principal investigator at the Medical Research Council's Human Sciences Unit.

The scientist said he had discovered a "time window" of eight to 12 weeks' gestation, when certain hormones in the foetus are activated and the male reproductive system comes into being.

Prof Sharpe said future problems of male fertility, including undescended testicles, low sperm count and the risk of testicular cancer could be determined at this time if these hormones, such as testosterone, do no work properly.

The experiments on rats confirmed that if the hormones are blocked the animals suffered fertility problems.

Prof Sharpe told the Scotland on Sunday newspaper his research had discovered that the male programming window occurred far earlier in foetal development than was previously thought, before the reproductive organs fully develop.

This is the time when androgens such as testosterone in the foetus are most active, he said.

He added: "Women could stop using body creams and perfumes. Although we do not have conclusive evidence that they do harm, there are components about which there are question marks; for example it could be certain combinations of chemicals."

Prof Sharpe is due to unveil his findings next week at the Simpson Symposium in Edinburgh, a gathering of fertility experts organised by Edinburgh University.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
how the hell did women used to manage giving birth to healthy babys 100's of years ago then? this is just getting rediculous. there is so many dos and donts now, people used to manage with no intervention at all now the worls has gone stupid!!
OMG,i have never heard that before.....what next?!!! as if we havent got enough to worry about. i think if you listened to or believed everything you read you wouldnt step out of your front door!! :roll:
Well, it kind of makes sense. In the same way that air fresheners (which I think are evil anyway) can have a negative impact on male fertility due to artificial pheromones. Perfumes/Air fresheners have caused fish to change gender in lab tests. I find that relatively worrysome, but then I don't use perfumes much anyway
I did hear something about this just before i got pregnant! They have a list aparently of what we should/ shouldnt use!
Though I couldnt find it under English recommendations just Canada/ USA! Couldnt check our products to see! :?
Hopefully manufacturers of the stretch mark creams have done their homework and not included these chemicals which could harm the baby.
Very true, Im not gonna stress about this, next time I have a baby there will prolly be a whole new set of "donts" and most things Im doing now will be wrong :roll:
ninjawomble said:
Very true, Im not gonna stress about this, next time I have a baby there will prolly be a whole new set of "donts" and most things Im doing now will be wrong :roll:
Exactly hun! When the MW tells you something or you can find it on our NHS etc then maybe but if we listened to everything that everyone says we wouldnt even breathe!!!! lol
in 10 years time when you find out your pregnant you will prob have to go into isolation "JUST INCASE" anything polutes your air :rotfl: :rotfl:
Research studies like this are actually very unhelpful to ease worries of already worrying pregnant women!

Note the numerous use of the words 'could cause'.

Anyone is entitled to conduct a medical study but for the results to become fact they need to be verified by numerous similar studies undertaken in controlled testing conditions. There is very little info in this article, for all we know the 'postive result' leading them to conclude that these things can cause harm could be due to any number of other medical reasoning and could have been 1 case out of a million for all we know.

These so called studies with this and that you now can't do should be ignored unless they come from a trusted source, and we should all therefore stop worrying so much!
Oh ffs!

Don't do this, do that, don't eat that, how about every pregnant woman stands in a bubble for 9mths until the baby comes out!!

this kinda thing annoys me - im not a rat, so there is no 100% proof that this effects humans.

and the amount they are applying to the animals is most prob loads more than any normal person would apply to themselves.

as long as you don't bathe in perfume i don't see why its such an issue. :roll:

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