Fetal Doppler

i dont no if its any good but thats a good price
i looked on ebay and they seen quite exspenive to me
manda xx
I'm sure that one will work fine. I got an angelsounds one which was really cheap and def not the clearest but i still picked up a heart beat from 13 weeks. You will love it though its such an easy way to check everything is ok and stop you worrying!
Aww! I know I think I will carry it every where with me! LOL Its just such a long period between scans. Can always sell it after I have finished with it!
i got an angelsounds which i listen to every morning and evening and it totally stops me worrying about my lack of bump!
erm the link didnt work for me :(
however,if its the bf500 doppler I have one and have used it since about 12weeks and found it very good and clear.
One word of advice tho i was listening in one night and my 6 year old came downstairs to inform me she could hear it upstairs! :rotfl: the sound does carry.You get used to where to look and how to use it very quickly but the gel doesnt last long as you need a fair bit,but all in all yeah i love it :D let us know how you get on
Well it turned out my order didn't go through. They were actually taking the product off the site as I was busy buying it!

I have ordered an angelsounds one instead from ebay! Was £21 inc delievery! Woo!

Just hope this one comes and its not some scam!
I got my doppler from baby hi.com it was 106 with post and packaging. i did not want to spend so much but i need reassurance and it was next day del. believe me they are worth it. yesterday baby was quiet and so i used doppler and just hearin hb was agod send. i dont use it every day just when i need to and will sell it after i am done with it. it really gives u peace of mind esp b4 major kicks set in
marie x
19 wks 1day
Ooo I just mde a post about doppler, silly woman I didnt see this :wall: I got mine today a BF500. It works but I wish Id got one with a display to say what heart rate is

My mum already had one she bought hers for just over £100. The baby doesnt seem to like her tho as it hides behind the placenta most of time lol

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