Feeling Very Down In The Dumps Today :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2011
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Feeling rather rubbish today ladies, have been trying for nearly 7 months now and still no sign yet.

Today i cant help but notice how emotional i am ? every 5 mins im crying then happy then really sad again and start to cry, looked at myself in the mirror after a shower and cried for about 20 mins ... (im not normally like this!)

Im not sure if its because im nearly due on or maybe something else...

Obviously when your trying every little thing your like yes this must be it ! Lol. Its a pain isnt it?

But ive been feeling rather quite sick last few days... Havent been, but came very close...

thought i that i would come on here as i dont want to burdan my partner with the moodyness. Lol.

just hating everything about me at the moment, and not sure what to really do about it, cani ask if any feels like this and is it around "that" time of the month you feel like it and what do you do to make you feel better again :( ??

Hope your all doing well, Mucl love x :wall:
Don't feel sad hun took me 8 months to conceive and it will happen for u! Just try keep having fun trying xx
Don't lose faith hun and you never no this could be it fx xxx
It's so hard not to let your emotions take over. I was a complete mess last cycle and convinced myself I was P but I wasn't. Try to focus on your future and your family that will happen one day. Hopefully it's already happened but until you know try and enjoy your life as it is now. That's really helping me to be more lighthearted as our lives will change completely once we get pregnant. I'm planning a fab holiday with my husband and focusing on enjoying time with friends until I'm blessed with a baby.

Don't be down on yourself, try and stay positive and be happy that you have a guy you can ttc with as so many girls don't have partners. Try and see the small things as positives and hopefully you'll start to feel better.

I think the 6-7 month mental barrier is a really hard one. I never thought it would take this long - I was soooo naive!!

Try talking to your OH about it - it has helped me so much, and you also need to carry on living your life until you do become pregnant. We have so many fun things lined up for the next few months. Also, I have stopped saying no to stuff just cos I think I may be pregnant by the time things come around - its so hard getting to that point and then not being pregnant.

I really hope this is your month, and if not, stay strong and it WILL happen one day.
thank you all for your lovely kind words you all desurve the very best, *Fingers crossed for you all* xxx
Huni, i was like that yesterday. i hated everything about myself and cried quite a few times, and thats not like me until af is due, and im only 4dpo.
im feeling alot better now and thats thanks to the brilliant gals on here.

we all have up and down days, and sometimes it feels like you get more downs than ups. keep strong chick, ul get through it and always remember that us gals will always be here for you x x
I feel EXACTLY the same i'm also in my 7th month of ttc. Really getting me down this month :(
thank you welshhunni, and corky its rubbish isnt it. but i guess when the times right and all that stuff it will happen good luck every one :) xx
It sure will hun. me and o.h have been ntnp for the past year and a half. its only this cycle that i have really tracked everything. its made me realise what an emotional time it is and how much we do want another baby. im even going to be having tests now (21 day bloods, scan and check for pcos) and its going to hit me even more then.

i sending you lots of baby dust and and i really really hope you will have some luck very soon x x
Ok, so ive just come on ... :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( ...
Starting to really feel like there is somethign wrong with me, is there anything i can do (tests ect) to find out if i can even have children ? i no its not been like years since we have been trying but it is really getting me down and making me feel really rubbish.

Ya no im trying to do everythign right, i didnt smoke anyway, i used to drink but now wre trying i dont want to risk it, im eating more fruit and veg, trying to stay positive, but nothing seems to br working.

Are there any tablets or something i should take ?

Sorry to moan but it just frustrates me how people that should never have children get pregnant straight away, people who do drugs/drink heavily etc, abusers, but the peiople who really want a family with the one they love, nope nothing.

Sorry to everyone who reads this, just needed a bit of a rant, and not really sure how to say it to my partner because i dont want to seem really angry and moan at him, ughhhhh

Just not sure what to do :( losing hope very quickly which is a shame :(

all you lovely ladies do help a lot though, when im not sure who to talk to i always come one here and no someone will always have something to say, so thank you all <3 xxx
explain to the doctor that your worried as you havnt fallen pregnant and they should sort out 21 day bloods, maybe even send you for a scan hun x
Ok brill thank you :) do i have to ask for anything or just say im worried ? xx
You may have to exadurate (sp?) and say you'v been trying for over a year, but they should do it. if they say to wait, say you WANT them done to find out sooner rather than later, just incase somethings wrong.

gd luck chick x x

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