feeling sorry for myself...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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hello ladies...

well i knew the scan yesterday was a tad on the rough side. but i feel all tender and bruised tonight...literally feel like i have been beaten up!!

she had to push and poke really hard to try and get boo boo to move and also probably to get through my layer of padding! lol...but oh my god it was in no way gentle..

tonight i am getting more sore by the minute.......just like bruising is coming out...

just shows what the little things can withstand in there cos mammy is suffering now!!!

:( xxx
thing is she was lovely...lol...so i just smiled through the pain cos i knew she was doing it just to check tjat boo boo was all okay xx
I was like that on my 20 week one too hun, baby will never notice it!! Humph :hug: xx
were u a bit tender the day after too princess? xx

funny thing is the bloods was a doddle and thats the bit i was dreading..lol

Yeah the day after as well - I remember being aware of it that night and hoping that baby was Okay, now it's just inwardly that I get battered lol.
I was surprised about how sore it is, but then I'm not used to people prodding round there I suppose. So don't be too surprised if you feel the same at 20 weeks x
maybe we are just sensitive little souls...lol x
I was exactly the same with the NHS scan. I got really beaten up and was sore and bruised for days after. It was a bit of a shock because I had a private scan at 8 weeks and that was very gentle. Honestly think the equipment at the private scan was much newer and clearer than the NHS one which is why the NHS have to be a bit more aggressive.
I had a terrible stitch pain after my last scan and it lasted the rest of the day and slightly the next. My m said she used to feel like that after scan too x Sorry ur in pain but at least it's normal! It's reassuring baby is ok xxx
its reassuring to know it is normal yeah xxx thanks ladies
Gosh I can't fault my NHS scans! I was prodded yes but my LO is a bit of a poser when someone try's to scan

dont get me wrong, i am not having a go at the nhs cos they have been brill with me....was just wanting to check really if anyone else had fel tender after....

it's not too bad this morning....dont feel quite so sore

and oh my god my bump has appeared with back up this morning...lol xx
I had my 20 week scan Friday and I have been tender too :( But in all fairness our little lady wasn't being very cooperative and I did feel for the sonographer as it made her job much harder trying to get the measurements! X x x

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