Feeling so upset and down today :(


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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This morning I did another hpt as on day 45 and still neg. I just cried. I'm feeling so disheartened and down about this whole process at the moment. To make matters worse I'm going to turkey on Friday and my period should have been well out of the way, meaning ov should have been when I was on holiday. I'm just feeling like every time I get hopeful the odds are stacked against me. It's been 8 months since coming off the pill and I thought my cycles would be back to normal now. Especially as the last 3 have been every 4-5 weeks.
Everywhere I go people I know are now pregnant, some with huge bumps that have appeared since last time I saw them. Facebook is full of announcements and even the stars seem to be all getting pregnant! and whilst I'm so happy for them it tears me up inside.
When I talk to others they just tell me not to be silly, don't stress and it will happen, it's only been 8 months blah blah blah. But when it's me dealing with the waiting and dissapointment every month it's so hard. I just feel like I'm never going to see that second line appear on a hpt.
I'm so grateful to you guys for listening to my moaning and I feel guilty as I know some of you have been ttc way longer than I have.
Has anyone else suffered with their cycles taking ages to get back to normal since the pill? And do you gave any advice on what to do? I thought I may go to the docs soon. I did try angus castus one month but I thought it didnt agree with me but in hindsight I think it may have been my hormones messing about.
Anyway I hope everyone is having a nice bank holiday, I'm going to watch the imbetweeners movie so hopefully that will cheer me up!! Xx
Big hugs honey. How long were you on the pill? I was on microgynon for 8 years. It was 9 months before having a period at all but they never really went back to normal. I went to my gp and he did a blood test and diagnosed pcos. It's so frustrating. Feels like a waiting game and is completely out of your control. I'd say go see your gp. Might give you some answers.

However if you were on the pill a long time it can take a while. Either way your gp should give you some answers xx
:hugs:The Inbetweeners will def cheer you up - saw it on thursday and felt so much better for a good laff!

Sorry to hear its being so horrible for you, it does sound like a nightmare. Have you thought about going for a chat with your gp? I thought after the pill things went back to normal quite quick (unlike say injection). I came off microgynon a year ago and had 32 day cycles but gradually things have settled to 28 days now (MC in the middle though).
Thank you x
I was on it 14 years, from the age of 16 so my body only had 2 years of it's own natural periods so I suppose I can't expect it to go straight back to normal. I went to my gp in April as I hadn't had a period by then and she just told me to wait a month and if nothing happened go back. It came a week later then I had a 32,35 and 29 day cycle so not regular but roughly very month until this one! I never realised it would take so long or I would have come off it sooner. I spent a year waiting for my husband to be ready for a baby so when I finally got to start try it felt like a long time already!!
I think I will def see the doc gain even if it just puts my mind at rest.
Thanks for listening xx
:hugs:The Inbetweeners will def cheer you up - saw it on thursday and felt so much better for a good laff!

Sorry to hear its being so horrible for you, it does sound like a nightmare. Have you thought about going for a chat with your gp? I thought after the pill things went back to normal quite quick (unlike say injection). I came off microgynon a year ago and had 32 day cycles but gradually things have settled to 28 days now (MC in the middle though).

Thanks, I was on microgynon too. Sorry so hear you had a mc. Hopefully you will get a bfp soon xx
Hiya hun i came off the pill 2 years ago and still no bfp! it took around 6 months for me to have a period and even then it was only every couple of months or so, very hit and miss. i thought i was back to normal now but i was due on 22 aug and still nothing, ive done hpt and that was negative its sooo frustrating! i know exactly how you feel everywhere you go theres babies an bumps its very hard to keep it toether somtimes! chin up xxx
Hi, sorry your having a rotten time at the moment.

I was on the for years also, i came off about year and half ago and took about a year for everything to settle down. I had the oppsite problem i would have af anywhere from 18 to 23 days.

things have settled down now and i have a 26 day cycle - just trying to get to grips with ovulation now!

hope settles soon!

I know exactly how you feel, i was on the pill for 12 years, came off it last summer, so over a year ago and still no regular period. i had a 4 wk, 12 wk, 6 wk, 9 wk! i've been to the doc and they diagnosed with pcos, and then my husband was also tested and he did not have a good result either so we're pretty rubbish together!
Everywhere i go i always seem to hear/see pregnant women, and naturally i'm pleased but i'm sad inside.
I've tried the ovulation kits but i'm day 22 and still no positive line, it's so frustarting and me and my other half keep arguing, just don't know what to do!!
Let me know how you progress:)
Thanks everyone! Although it's horrid for you too, it's also nice to know I'm not alone with my problem. I think I may go to the gp after my holiday. Are there any other symptoms with pcos?
And joyous Im not sure on things with my other half either as he has chrohns and has had to take steroids for most of the time we have been ttc and even his consultant said they wouldn't help things as they lower sperm count. On the up side he will be on some new medication after hols which hopefully won't affect things.
I suppose I just have to enjoy the here and now and maybe one day it will happen. It doesn't help that my best friend fell first try with both of hers and she has almost written me off already. She keeps going on about ivf and stuff just cos it hasn't happened straight away!!
I used opk's last month and had a smiley on cd20 but I tried toe more relaxed this month and this is how my body repays me!!
Anyway thanks again guys, it's nice to know you are here xx

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