Feeling sick, and.......


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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still got loads of pains in both my sides. :(

Im feeling sorry for myself tonight as OH is out my mum has had to come and help me look after owen as i'm feeling so sick.

plus these pains are worrying me but i think if i went to A&E they would just tell me to wait until monday to see GP. :( :(

the sickness comes in waves but they last for hours at a time then they go for like 30 mins then come back. :wall: :wall:

Ther rant over no more moaning! :roll: :roll:

Sorry girlies just needed to get it off my chest as OH don't listen half the time :roll:
if you are pg and have pains then the least they should do is scan you. It wont do any harm, you should phone NHS direct.

Hope you feel better soon

i asked for an early scan when i booked in with my doctors and they said there would be no point as my M/C didn't happen until i was 9wks. :?

i think if the pains haven't slowed down by tomorrow i will give NHS a ring to see if they can scan me just to check.

ive had no bleeding or anything so im hoping it just stretching into place or something. :pray: :pray: :pray:
I had wind a lot when I got pg :oops:
dh was not nice about it :shakehead:
yeah i was thinking it could be something like wind but it's still the same pain for ages and ages so it turns into a dull ache instead.

oh well i'll just have to see if it goes or not.

oh and why cant men be more sympathtic towards us women het :roll: :roll: :roll:
I have the cramps and backache, its like a belt of tingles :shock:
Cramping is normal, sometimes its a sign something is happening that shouldn't be but because its been going on so long, I would agree with you its stretching, could also be the sign of an infection though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: You should maybe ring NHS Direct for reassurance? but go to your GP Monday if you're still concerned, otherwise you'll be worrying which isn't good for you :hug: Very best wishes :hug:

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