Feeling really down today :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Sorry for the miserable thread but im feeling really down :( my boyfriend has gone back to leeds for university today after having been home for christmas since jan 10th. Its just hit me and im feeling really lonely :( i hate being pregnant away from him, i feel i need his support physically and emotionally. and while hes away even though he calls every day and i see him every other weekend its just really hard and i feel very alone. He is transferring to a local uni after summer, thank god. but im just scared of being here without him and pregnant.

i dunno, im probably just being hormonal.

Hey, try not to dwell on it too much but do a count down until he's back home again for the weekend. Give your mates a call and ask them to call round and keep you occupied over the next week. Chin up.

Bless. It's hard being separated. But at least he's transferring, that's positive.

Call yer friends and stay positive, he'll not be gone forever :)
My friends all seem to be busy with their boyfriends. ive had an awful day. I just feel so lonely at the moment and it seems that nothing has been on tv and ive got nothing to do around the house so theres not much to take my mind off it. ive had a little cry or 5... made some dinner, had a nap and thats about it really.

thanks for the responces ladies

I can only imagine how you feel. I'd be the same without my OH, I probably rely on him too much. Your prob feeling really down today cos he has just gone. But just think as the weeks go by the closer you will get to him being back home and closer to having your baby! That's the way I try think about getting to my due date. Hope you feel better. I have plenty of down days too and pregnancy can just multiply the feeling. Xx
I am in a similar situation. I'm in n.Wales and oh has literally just left to go back to Devon where he is based. I get myself into awful states sometimes but today I just feel pissed off! I never imagined that I would be in a situation like this an pregnant, always thought i would be living with oh. But it has happened an I am really happy were having a baby, so just gotta deal with it! This time next year I will have moved to be with him wherever he gets based next but now until then (first 6 months of babies life) it's just most weekends. Stay positive, I know it's hard an I'm the same as u but we gotta be happy for our babies! Xxxx

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