Feeling on Your Body Post Baby

Suzie, i thought youwere really pretty! Your hair and complexion are perfect :x

Er, boobs can rarely be too big... I'll have some of yours please! :rotfl:
I'm quite happy with my body. I just wish i was slimmer but then don't most people :think:

I don't really love anything but i don't hate it either iykwim :)
what pees meeoff is when you have celebs looking exactly the same as they did beforepregnancy, three days after they gave birth saying "all I have done is breastfed" which is complete balls. I wish they would say "yesI have starvedmyself and been in the gym 5 mins after giving birth". That way I might not look like them but I know its because I have done things the natural way.
I didn't drop a pound until Stanley was 1.

I like the extra cup size on my chest. They don't look as good naked but they look better than they ever did in a nice bra.

I always had a tummy which I hated but I don't mind it all now cause when you've had a baby it feels more 'normal'.

If I was looking at my body from the perspective of me 3 years (or longer) ago I'd hate it, but as me, here today a mum of a toddler and a 30 something with a lot more things to think about, I don't mind it at all :)
I love my body at the minute. I was straight up and down, with not a pick of extra fat, and toned arms and tummy due to riding my completely mental horse. I was a lot fitter and faster then, but now I have boobs and curves, which I like, makes me feel all feminine. I only went up to a size 12 during pregnancy and i was back into my normal size straight after, but even still, my body didn't feel right. But this few months, it seems to have settled back down...it feels like I was a can of coke, someone shook me up, and only now are the bubbles receding...My stretchers are still visible, but apart from that, it is starting to lok more like I wasn't ever pregnant :lol: But at the end of the day although i might have lost my baby weight quicker than some, I still felt crap, after all, it is not what you're used to IYKWIM
not sure i count yet as it's been less then a week! but atm, maybe it's baby hormones, i'm happy!

I'm not looking thin, and my clothes dont fit but i've instantly lost half the wieght i'd gained, my belly is going down each day and i really believe that in time it'll be flat, just jelly like. my boobs are huge but that would be fine if they wearnt so sore, my legs look skinny again cos my ankles have gone down, my face is bigger but again i can lose it all.

I'm just so grateful to my body for doing pregnancy and birth so well i can live with the imperfections, i even quite like my little strerch marks on my belly, they're instantly silvery and only on one side.

My boobs were always too big to go bra-less so that doesn't bother me and i was always too self-conscious to show my tummy.

Ask me again in a few weeks but atm i'm content. I wouldn't want a bloke who couldn't love my mummy tummy as well so i should learn to love me too
At this point in time I don't like much about my body, apart from my hair which is the same as it's always been, shiny and healthy, despite the fact I dry and straighten it nearly everyday. And I like my skin because it's clear.
My main dislike is definately my boobs. They went up to a DD in pregnancy and now have gone down to a C. They point down somewhat..and also, my nipples were huge during pregnancy and they haven't gone down
I don't really have many hang ups about my body, but then I wouldn't say I have any loves either lol.

I think what I have is good compared to some but could be better. But its all I've got and if I can't love me, how can I expect anyone else to!
i like my hair it grow when i had jay.my bum ( so does OH) and my hips. i dont like my boobs or my tummy.
beanie said:
(I just wished it looked more like Heidi Klums)

Bloody woman is an alien!! How many kids : 3-4?? And what a body! :wall: So unfair!!! :rotfl: :wall:

Well, I like my feet.....and....mouth...and thats about it! :wall: I never was stick thin, but I had curvy womanly body... Now I feel like I have a body made of jelly :puke: :rotfl: :wall:
Used to love my skin, but now when all the tummy covered in strechmarks and boobs too)...

I am really trying to get back to what I was before... Never thought its gonna be so hard :( :cry:
after hannah i hated my boobs, they went so flat and saggy

BUT sinse having emily, they've changed again, not as flat this time, so im happier with them (but they are nothing like what they used to be)

I miss my 'iron-board' stomache too... its ok now, but nothing like what it was.

OHHH, ive got abit of a bum now!! ive never had an arse me whole life but i do now - and im happier for that!
I dont really mind my body. I dont hate it, but i dont like it much either.

Id like to a lot slimmer. im a size 16 and im only 5'3 so thats something im working on. I think also ive been like this since i had Beth and she's nearly 7 so ive just gotten used to feeling not too briliiant about my body. My belly makes me embarrassed too. None of my mates that i go for nights out with have had kids, and i feel like my wobbly bits are really obvious to them and i feel a bit ashamed, lol :oops: :oops: :oops: So if i was a couple of dress sizes smaller with a firmer belly, id be ok!

I have such huge boobs atm which I love... they are 38D which I know sounds small to some but considering I was 34AA before I had Tia they are huge to me. I've always had body issues but I had less this time round. :D I fit all my pre preggo clothes down below although up top I'm a size 18... but that really is to do with my boobs :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
All those saying they hate thier bodies.....why?? Who are you comparing yourselves too? Half-starved-airbrushed-personally trained-rich-elective ceasarean mothers?

I hated my post-pregnancy body for a long time and made myself ill trying to lose the weight, but I will never have my pre-pregnancy body back and that is a fact I no longer wish to change. I am a woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have stretch marks, spaniel ear boobs, saggy bum and tum, cellulite, and the last time I was able to squeeze into size 12's was yeeeeeeeeears ago!

You know what my other half finds sexy? Confidence. He doesnt care if I get bigger or smaller, have a boob job or let em hang loose, or if my size 14-16 hipster jeans show my stretch marks and flab.

It is a life changing event to have a baby, not just practically and emotionally but also physically. Your body WILL NOT ever be the same again and thats a fact. And that is something to celebrate. You have turned from a girl into a woman with hips to die for!

Please ladies, stop comparing yourselves to what we see in the media, they are unrealistic unless you are rich enough to afford a nanny, a personal trainer, stylist, and cosmetic surgery! They are not real women, they are frauds. We are the real women and everyone of you is so much more beautiful then you know.

This was the image of female beauty for centuries, and if it wasnt for superslim models still would be.....look at the beauty!

Venus and Cupid

beanie said:
I hate mine too, I have lost all my babyweight but have a mummy tummy which I just despise. My boobs are ok but my bra free days are long gone. However I have a lot more respect for my body now, it has done an amazing job carrying, delivering and feeding my babies (I just wished it looked more like Heidi Klums)

i don't hate my body. But i do feel the same as you tummy wise. If it weren't for my tummy id be ok.
My OH took a pic of me last night. I was in just my undies and a t-shirt. When i looked at the pic i cried. My face and neck blended and i looked as wide as a bus! Given me an incentive to loose weight. I'm fine with the saggy, milk-filled boobs. They're 3 times bigger than they were before! I also don't mind my stretch marks, it's just where everything else is affected by gravity.
Plus now i bruise so much easier. Dunno why, but i'm covered in bruises that i dunno where from, whereas before i could knock myself so hard and not make so much as a small mark.
glitzyglamgirl said:
All those saying they hate thier bodies.....why?? Who are you comparing yourselves too? Half-starved-airbrushed-personally trained-rich-elective ceasarean mothers?

I hated my post-pregnancy body for a long time and made myself ill trying to lose the weight, but I will never have my pre-pregnancy body back and that is a fact I no longer wish to change. I am a woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have stretch marks, spaniel ear boobs, saggy bum and tum, cellulite, and the last time I was able to squeeze into size 12's was yeeeeeeeeears ago!

You know what my other half finds sexy? Confidence. He doesnt care if I get bigger or smaller, have a boob job or let em hang loose, or if my size 14-16 hipster jeans show my stretch marks and flab.

It is a life changing event to have a baby, not just practically and emotionally but also physically. Your body WILL NOT ever be the same again and thats a fact. And that is something to celebrate. You have turned from a girl into a woman with hips to die for!

Please ladies, stop comparing yourselves to what we see in the media, they are unrealistic unless you are rich enough to afford a nanny, a personal trainer, stylist, and cosmetic surgery! They are not real women, they are frauds. We are the real women and everyone of you is so much more beautiful then you know.

This was the image of female beauty for centuries, and if it wasnt for superslim models still would be.....look at the beauty!

Venus and Cupid


HEAR HEAR, that is so true- and the reason why curvy women were seen as more attractive also had a lot to do with the idea that they would be more fertile and find childbirth easier....also the fact they weren't stick thin meant they'd probably be rich and able to afford proper food, meat etc.(small aside)

Plus Marilyn Monroe (or was it mae west?) was a size 16...

It's sad that we as a society have been so conditioned to find the unhealthy attractive...everyone has their own shape that suits them perfectly ...whether you're a slim but healthy 8, or a tall and curvy 16...
I'm now about half a stone heavier than I was before I got pregnant with Logan. I've still got some dark red stretch marks on my stomach, varicose veins behind one knee! :shock:, slightly saggier boobs and a very saggy stomach! I'm only 27! :oops:
The boys are more than worth the damage though.
Once I've lost my excess weight I'll look a lot better, though I doubt I'll be wearing a bikini anytime soon.

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