Feeling low

Sorry I missed this thread. Your post made me cry. Im so sorry hun xxx
We have no idea why these things weren't meant to be, only God does, but remember He wastes nothing, so all the heart ache you feel now, there will be something good to come of it, even if it doesn't ever feel like it. Huge hugs xxxxxxxxx

I'm so sorry to hear this news hun. Life can be so cruel. Hugs x
Hello i am so sad for you and your loss. I miscarried 4 weeks ago 2 days before my 12 wk scan. Its very difficult and we all feel the same but in different ways. For me it is still very raw and although i manage to function i feel very sad and disconnected - but it is better than it was which gives me hope. I miss the baby and i miss the future i had in my head. But who is to say the new future isn't going to be better , will see when we get there. X
So sorry to read this Kk.
Take plenty of rest and extra cuddles with your gorgeous Cassius xx
Only just seen this as I've been away from the forum for ages...

There's nothing I can say really, except that I am so very sorry for your loss.

Take care xxx
Sending a lot of hugs! I'm so sorry Karate Kid, it's such a sad thing to happen. I hope you are ok xxxxx
So sorry to hear your story :( must be really tough for you at the moment but don't give up! It is much less likely to happen again but I am sure u will be scared of it happening again I think anyone would, I know I am but I refuse to give up on my little sticky bean!

You offer such support to others including myself on this forum and it is much appreciated, u deserve a sticky healthy bean and I am sure one will be just around the corner for u when u r ready xxxx hugs xxxx

It's a toughy this whole pregnancy thing!!!
So sorry for your loss hun xxx

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Sorry to read this hun, sending you huge hugs x

I had a missed miscarriage last year - same as you I was meant to be about 11 weeks but baby died at 8 weeks and I had no idea until I started bleeding at 10+6 and went to EPU. It was a really hard time and I thought I would never fall pregnant again but I did and I am nearly 32 weeks into my pregnancy now with a healthy baby so don't give up hope, your little one will have a brother or sister in time. I totally agree that you should read the airport story on here too, I read it and thought it was lovely xxx
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So sorry to hear this kk, sending lots of love and hugs xxx
Only just heard this sad news. I hope that you are doing as ok as you can when something like this happens!Hugs!XxX
I'm so sorry to read this. I'm sure it won't be long until another well deserved bfp comes your way xx
I would have never got Amelie if I had my little angel. It would have been a totally different baby that I would obviously love as much but it wouldn't have been her ifykwim.

This is just the way my friend talks about her MC. Can't imagine how hard it was for her, but an amazing outlook on things just a year or so down the line...
Ah KK I've only just seen this. I'm so sorry hon. Will be thinking of you. X

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