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Feeling low :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
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Hi all, I've moved to this forum from the ttc one as I'm not getting anywhere and given up hope for now :-(

I've come off microgynon in Jan and have been ttc for 4 months now but I haven't even got my af yet. I've had a nasty bout of the flu for going on 2 weeks now and my hearing is all over the place - been to doc who said it's just the flu and can't do anything :-(
Looked at myself in the mirror last night and really feel I've let myself go - Im around 13 stone which for my 5"5 height is almost obese.

I really need to sort myself out as my health is at an all time low and I just feel so down. Just wondered if anyone had any tips on how to get better (physically and mentally!)

Hubby and I have decided to put ttc on hold whilst waiting for my body to get back to normal - but it hurts as we both are so ready to have a baby right now. Sigh.

I've just bought some agnus castus as I've heard good things about it, has anyone else tried it?

Sorry for the self indulgent post, I just feel so low atm which is not like me - I'm usually happy go lucky gal :-( x
Sorry you're feeling really low. I hope you feel better soon hun. It can take your body a while to get the pill out of your system and if you've been on it a long time it may just take a while to sort itself out?

With regards to feeling better physically and mentally, what's your diet like? I know if I eat a lot of junk food, it makes me feel crap (makes me feel good at the time though lol)

Also what exercise do you do? Can you get out for a walk every day, now that the nights are getting longer maybe you could get out for a nice walk each evening?

I don't have any experience with AC but I know a few girls on here have used it and think they have had good results.

Also maybe not putting so much pressure on yourself to conceive will help? I know though that can be easier said than done. Maybe you could just be ntnp which will take the pressure off. Good luck hun
Hey, don't have much to add to the above, but drink plenty of water a cut out booze/smoking if you do it. Also start taking vitamins like pregnacare :)
Thanks guys. My diet could be better but I am starting to eat more vegetables (I can't stand fruit, veg or salad, weird huh?) I am taking multivitamins every day since Jan and I did start taking pregnacare but I found they made me nauseous :-(

I walk to work and back every day which covers 3miles and I don't smoke or drink. I don't really have any sweets either. (I tend to overindulgence on crisps, bread pasta and stodgy stuff in case people were wondering how come so im so fat? Lol)

I've cut down on crisps ie not having 2 packets every day - just 1 every week which seems to be ok at the mo.

I know I'm probably being too impatient with the whole conception thing but it's hard to wait when it seems like everyone around you is getting pregnant just by thinking it :-(

I think we'll wait until julyish before thinking about taking agnus castus as I need to get healthier / in shape first. Although that seems ages away :-(

Thanks for taking the time to reply xx
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If you haven't had a period within six months I'd go to the docs. This happened to me, I came off the pill and had no AF for months, it turns out I have pcos and didn't know. I came off the pill in the January and had to have Ovarian drilling in the following December and had no period between :shock: not saying that this is the case for you, but don't leave it too long to get checked out x
Thanks Princess81. I have a feeling I might have PCOS but this is going to sound really silly - I went to the docs last week (about something completely unrelated) and he was really rude to me and has been the last 3 times I've been so it's really putting me off going to see him about fertility problems - does that sound stupid? I'm considering changing docs but really dont want to as everyone is going to ask why and I don't want that hassle :-(

I'm having a really bad day today, I'm sitting here in tears because I'm a mess. I think I do have PCOS as I have really spotty skin and a few months before I came off the pill I had horrendous menstrual cramps that left me hunched over in pain - I've gained weight since last year which I'm trying to lose but I can't seem to lose it no matter what I do :-( I need someone to give me advice on what to do next, should I take agnus castus or man up and speak to docs and see if they can put me on clomid? How can I lose weight quickly and easily?

I'm so sad and stressed out :'-( xxxx
Hun, I think that if your doc makes you feel uncomfortable, you should definitely change him! Just tell people that you don't like him, it's noones business! Or you can say that you prefer a female doctor, thats a perfectly valid argument for anyone.

As to what to do next.... I think you need a self-esteem booster! Go buy yourself new lingerie, go to a theater or treat yourself to a new handbag. Or just a nice evening with a long bath with relaxing oils and foam. It won't be easy to sort your health out if you are so stressed out!

Cheer up! Xx
try taking st john whart, but it has to be the very good quality stuff not like boots own brand sort of thing, this is a natural kinda pick me up tablet, think holland and barratt is the best place,basically you take one a day, it doesnt work instantly and you do have to keep taking them for a while but they naturally make your start to feel a bit brighter,enthustiatic about doing stuff, my mom used to take them as she wanted to get in shape as feeling down about her weight and just felt miserable and unmotivated, these just gave her the little pick me up she needed
Thanks guys. I'll have a look in holland and barratt for that at johns wort stuff - thanks for the advice :)

Sorry to be so depressing and down about things. I'm beginning to even bore myself now. had a long chat with hubby earlier and he's agreed to help me eat the right things and go for a walk some evenings only if I stop stressing!!

I have college exams coming up and loads of stress at work which probably doesn't help and I wonder whether this worrying in general is misplaced? I know I can't do a thing before my periods are back to normal but it feels like catch 22 situation as I'm stressing about why they aren't here yet lol.

Think I need to stop symptom spotting and thinking of the worst case scenario (I admit, I'm a pessimist at heart!) so it isn't going to be easy. I'm going to wait until 1st July as then it will be a full 6 months - and go see someone whether it be docs or new docs. I think until then I'm going try not to think about it at all and see where it gets me!

Thanks for everyone's help and advice, I really appreciate it. I'll see you all in July I expect!

Good luck with conceiving everyone and lots of baby dust to you all xxxxx
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hi there,
I'm more of a reader than a writer usually, but you sound quite similar to myself :)

I have actually only just come off microgynon after 4 years, took my last pill a week ago, and we are gonna start trying in october,

I need to shed some weight too, and i feel quite frumpy and rubbish, so I went to see the nurse, who gave me 12 weeks free membership to slimming world, so im trying that out now, and planning a holiday before we are ttc, its made me feel quite determinded and happy, also something to look foreward to as ill have a nice holiday where ill hopefully weigh a lot less, then get down to trying to concieve lol

just a little thought :) my bmi must be similar to yours as im 5ft5 and i weigh 13.11 so I was entitled to the free membership

Hi Frankinstein12, thanks for your taking the time to reach out and post :)

It sounds as if you're pretty much sorted for the near future, that's really good :) you have been really sensible and are really positive, I could do with some of your positive thinking, hehe. I assume this is your first time ttc? Exciting times isn't it. My hubby has been getting me all kinds of healthy snacks and doing meal plans for us both (he doesn't need to lose weight but admits to eating too much junk!) so hopefully I'll start feeling the benefits soon!

Where ru off to on your hols? We are in limbo at the moment as we were planning to go away in September but this was before we were ttc so I'm not sure if we should go ahead and book as if I do (by some miracle) fall pregnant I dont want to fly when I'm expecting but then again the way I'm going at the moment I might as well book it!

I'm so glad you're giving yourself time to get the pill out of your system - I thought it would work immediately and I'd start having periods but so far nada :-( although by the sounds of it you're in a pretty good place mentally so it's all good :)

Thank you for sharing and best wishes for ttc and the weightloss, that free membership is very good :) xxx
Hi again :) I started slimming world today, and went yesterday morning, feeling good and confident I can shift the weight, we are looking at going on a cruise, I'd love the Dubai cruise, but it's either that or a new bathroom haha new bathroom it probably will be as its more practical :)

Yes this will be our first attempt ever at ttc, we only just bought a house last July, and feel in a really good place to raise and have a child, it's very exciting. I set myself a few goals beforehand though, like get abit of money behind us, do up the bathroom, have a good few boozy nights out haha we are even going to a festival in June, so quite a fun packed year, I've just come off my time of the month, so we will see if next month mother nature kicks up a fuss or not as it'll be my first time off the pill, nervous as my periods were BAD before I went on the pill eep!!

Keep smiling :)

I'd go and see your GP about potentially having PCOS. I have it and one of the things with it is that when you have put weight on, it is very hard to lose it the way a non-PCOS sufferer can. I'm currently 15 stone 7 lbs (due to medication mess ups - the implant (4 stone gain) and the injection (5 stone gain) I lost some weight between the two.) and it is really hard to lose weight.

I think it's good that you are cutting out things like crisps. If you have PCOS the doctor may be able to refer you to the practice's dietician who can advise you on what foods to lower your intake of to help with weightloss with PCOS.)

It's hard that you're having to go through this and I truly sympathise. I have only had one period a year Jan 2011 and Jan 2012 and no signs of them becoming more frequent.
When I came off the pill (weight and height similar to you) I didn't come on my period for months, I actually joined weight watchers to lose a bit to see if that helped and low and behold after I lost half a stone my period came and has been fairly regular since. Maybe if it worked for me, it could work for you to?

I'm feeling pretty rubbish myself having got af today when I had convinced myself I was pg. :-( on wards and upwards, got to stay positive and it will happen when my body is ready! :) Can give weight watchers a real go now!! :)

Good luck xxx

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