My LG was born 11 weeks ago and I always assumed I'd ebf until weaning. After my daughter was born we were left alone for over 12 hours due to it being extremely busy on the Labour ward. I tried my best with no help to get her to latch on myself but it quickly became extremely painful. We were let out of hospital the following day and no-one had checked the latch properly or given me any real advice about milk supply etc. When I got home I tried my best to feed my daughter's myself but for some reason my baby would be constantly rooting for food and screaming for more. I was told to pump which I did every 3 hours for ages but couldn't express more than about an ounce for a half hour pumping, I was also told by my midwife that combination feeding was not good for babies (which I now know not to be true) so I resorted to formula and now I eff. I'm gutted. I feel like I've totally failed my daughter. My milk is gone and I cry almost everyday wishing I could have breast fed her for longer.
With that in mind I've read a lot about relactation online and have been trying to hand express to 're stimulate the milk and I'm totally bone dry
Not really sure why I'm posting tbh just needed to get it off my chest xx
With that in mind I've read a lot about relactation online and have been trying to hand express to 're stimulate the milk and I'm totally bone dry
Not really sure why I'm posting tbh just needed to get it off my chest xx