Feeling Guilty


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2007
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I cant help but feel guilty at the moment for not being about to give my OH the baby we both want so much!

It all started when my aunt gave birth to a lovely baby girl 6weeks ago!! It breaks my heart to see his face when hes with her and has cermented the fact that we both are doing the right thing.

What makes me feel worst is the fact there is nothing I can do to speed this process up I havnt had an AF for about a year and therefore have no form of cycle to track and try and conceive. Im still 4 months until my next Dr appointment and just cant stop feeling guilty in the back of my mind for not being normal!

Sorry about the rant!!

Denice x
Awww honey :hug: :hug:

don't feel guilty, failure to conceive is noones fault and you will get there. just remember its you he wants to be with and you he wants to have a child with and thats the most important thing :hug: :hug:
I can relate to feeling guilty :(

As chellie said though, it's nobody's fault and we WILL get there in the end :hug:

Thinking of you
Love Pol xxx
Aww sweetie, I know how you feel. Are you on any kind of PCOS treatment? I would recomment Metformin - I haven't had a period for 6 months but still managed to ovulate after two months on this drug. I works wonders with PCOS - much better than Clomiphene and Provera.
Let me know if you need a chat hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi hon
i just wanted to give you some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: i've got pcos too but am now a v proud mummy. i'm sure it was the metformin that helped me as i was only on it for 3 weeks before getting pregnant. we hadn't been actively ttc but had not taken preventative measures for about 10 months previously.
are you on any meds at the moment? or any supplements?

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