Feeling fed up


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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So my fella comes in and says oh I think the girl at the job I'm working at fancies me she keeps being flirty like hitting me with a tea towel etc.
Its really upset me. He told me he's said he has a Preg girlfriend but i feel so crap and tearful u know, nothing fits I've got, I'm huge, my hair is a state haven't dyed it for ages and just look a state. It's just really upset me that I'm not looking good and feel like a whale and waddling.
I know he wouldnt do anything but am I silly to feel down? X

No not at all hun :hug:

OH and I were walking back from Tesco the other night and he said hello and smiled at a girl he obviously knew (how or in what context I don't know). She was very pretty and slim and it kinda made me feel like shit tbh. And I think looking back at it now, that's why I was feeling so bleugh yesterday. I never said anything or asked him about her. I too know he wouldn't do anything. I just suspect she was maybe someone he hooked up with when we split up for a year and a half with no contact at all.

We are all in the same boat huni. I too am huge, and have gotten even bigger within the last month, like seriously big. We're sustaining life in our LOs and our bodies are gaining extra weight in prep for breastfeeding (whether breastfeeding or not, the body doesn't know if you are or not, so it will lay down extra layers).

Look at it this way hun, you are giving your OH the most precious gift of all...your LO. So what if our hair is unruly and nothing fits? We are sacrificing it all for bringing a healthy little bubba into the world. And remember, it'll not always be like this. Once LOs are here, hair can be dyed, clothes will start to fit again and the ole pregnancy hormones will start to fade.

And I'm sure you look good hun, you're just having "ONE OF THOSE DAYS!"

Huge :hug: to you and hope you feel better soon. x
That's pants for you. Think I would feel the same at the moment. It's good that you trust your OH and he wouldn't do anything but I totally get how it has made you feel. Have you explained to him - get him to take you somewhere nice or buy something to wear!
Thank u so much for your post hun you made me feel much better. It's odd we are carrying their children and I love my bump but I see skinny girls and stuff and think how can my fella not think they r lovely compared to the moaning fat whale he has at home that's got swollen feet and snores :(
Awwww hun, wanted to send you a big hug :hugs:

Think BabysMomma basically said it all! Hope you're a bit feeling better soon! You should have a wee night pampering yourself, have a nice bubble bath or do your nails or something? :)

He isn't the ' show how much I love u' type unfortunately . He said oh I shouldn't have said anything. I jut don't think blokes see that it can be intimidating with All these gorgeous girls all dressed skimpy cause of the heat and I'm wearing tents to try cover the bump lol x

Oh bless you, you need to book into a salon for an afternoon and get your nails done and a facial or something! Do all those pre-labour bits like getting waxed and buffed! You can also get highlights / lowlights when pregnant as the dye doesn't touch your skin.
Definitely sounds like you need a little pampering and then go out for dinner or get a takeaway and a DVD and spend some time with your OH!

Hope you feel better soon, x
Thanks guys :) il see how I feel tommo might go treat myself x


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