Feeling Exhausted :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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The past two days I've felt so worn out, and I haven't done anything! I've literally just sat at home, cleaned up a little, drawn some pictures and that's it movement wise. I went out yesterday with the mother in law to the shops for 20/30 minutes to get some things but that didn't prove difficult, we were in the car most of the time.

I feel hot, I have no energy, my heart feels like it's pounding and I just feel like lying down forever :(

I haven't got a temperature, I haven't been sick or anything like that, I just feel so exhausted despite loads of sleep.

I feel a lot more pregnant than I did a few weeks ago obviously, my bumps getting much bigger every day so I think it's just 'pregnancy blues' but should I be concerned?

I dont think you should unless you feel faint or anything.. I was shattered around your stage too it's not nice.. Keep drinking water though as it may be dehydration babe xx
Hope u feel better soon xxx
I felt like that a couple of weeks ago and now I'm back to feeling great and alive again (not right now as its nearing midnight) but maybe its a stage that some people get x
Thanks girls, I've just had a nice bath and a glass of water and I surprisingly feel better slightly!
It's funny that you say dehydration because I was thinking the same as I realised I haven't had a glass of water in a few days :doh:
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I know exactly how you feel i've been so exhausted i've been in tears over the weekend, even though i've slept loads and had naps. I've had exhaustion from about 16 weeks. Defo one of the bad things about pregnancy, but absolutely nothing to worry about, its totally normal but just not very nice!

Thanks girls, I've just had a nice bath and a glass of water and I surprisingly feel better slightly!
It's funny that you say dehydration because I was thinking the same as I realised I haven't had a glass of water in a few days :doh:

Glad ur feeling better :) keep up the water intake especially as we pee alot now :roll: :lol:
It's a crappy phase I hope it subsides soon :hug:
the other one to watch out for is iron, ifyou feel breathless (which is a bit difficult as you get bigger you get knackered and breathless) you may need iron tablets. I felt like this yesterday emotional and all over the place but feeling a bit better this morning. Took an iron tablet yesterday, I self medicate as Im an old bird and have had low iron for years so I generally know when Im low but its recommended you go to docs. BUT I think its like the others have said....dehydration xxx
I have felt like this for a few weeks now, The doc has put me on sick because of it (plus test worries), my iron has been checked but that's fine. The doc said its fatigue and the only thing I can do is rest! I've even tried eating foods like spinach and so on to see if it gives me a boost! Sadly it hasn't :( x x x
iv been tired in the past week too! it suddenly came back again! xx
I've been like that all the way through all my pregnancies, including this one so far. So although it is definitely not a nice thing, I don't think you need to be worried about it unless you feel ill in any way at the same time. Glad you've found a way to make yourself feel better!
I've had this too recently Tiff :( it's not nice. I've found that getting up and doing something makes me feel a lot better, like going for a little walk or doing some stretching. It gives me a nice little energy boost and then I don't feel so crap, might work for you too? xx
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Just about to say what Danti suggested, even though you might not feel like it the books suggest to much resting/napping etc can actually make you feel worse, try a walk and the fresh air and sun shine might give you the energy lift you need and get those endorphins moving :eek:) I'd been letting OH walk the dog but now I've got my butt into gear it does leave me with more energy for the day :eek:)
Thanks for the replies girls :)
Yeah I read that a lot of women unfortunately suffer with fatique in pregnancy for no reason really.
Well today I feel a lot more energetic! I have been drinking lot's of water and I think that bath last night did me some good xxx
Glad your feeling better babe, a gentle walk always helps too :)
Iv Been feeling tired and simple activities like shower and putting ur make up wipe u out let alone cleaning! My midwife/ doctors etc say it's common and usually not a worry! Hope u feel better soon xx

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