feeling down today and dont really know why


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
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im thinking that this month ill be more relaxed not worry about it all....i know im only on month 2 but last month i was really hoping it would happen straight away.........
weve not really told anyone we are ttc........but im feeling i should so i can talk to someone about it all....i know i have you guys x
anyone feeling the same so i know im not going mad
hey emylou
im in the same position we started ttc last month
after 10 years on the pill
kinda had my fx that id be one of the lucky ones who catches straight away but not so luck!
im cd4 today and have invested in a cbfertility monitor helps me feel more in control which is the bit that gets me down when i think of it!
my dh has his heart set on a september baby which he is sort of joking but feels like an immense pressure!
im not really sure whats getting me down though.....ive had a 25 day cycle now playing the waiting game x

I know exactly what you mean and really hope that your feeling ok soon. We are on our 2nd month TTC and the first month I really did think that it would happen straight away for us. This cycle I used OPKs only to not have a single positive which really made me feel down I guess I just missed the surge? then last week I didn't have any motivation to do anything which isn't like me at all.
it's really hard Not telling anybody about TTC we have not told anybody. Xx

How weird, today is the same for me, only we're still in cycle 1 of TTC so I really don't have much to complain about.

Maybe it's the realisation that it's not as straightforward as everyone assumes and maybe that is sinking in a little?

Also, rainy days and mondays...

FX for all, just got to keep on BDing!!!! (Lucky b*ggers!!!)


Jolly xxx

How weird, today is the same for me, only we're still in cycle 1 of TTC so I really don't have much to complain about.

Maybe it's the realisation that it's not as straightforward as everyone assumes and maybe that is sinking in a little?

Also, rainy days and mondays...

FX for all, just got to keep on BDing!!!! (Lucky b*ggers!!!)


Jolly xxx

By that I mean the Men!!!
hi emylou

know how you feel hun :hugs: - been ttc for 4 months and it feels like forever; seem to have already convinced myself that something must be 'wrong'.

tried to tell my bf over lunch last week but she announced her bfp. really pleased for her but its sooo hard having no one to talk to when i'd built myself up to telling her.

i think because we spend so much time trying not to get pregnant, we assume it must be really easy to become pregnant! (hope that makes sense)

Also, when you know people who become pregnant straight away or unexpectedly, it leaves a sense of why cant it be me!

Hope your BFP comes soon, fx

clara x
clara i know exactly what you mean.....people around me are announcing there having one or are literally due any day and its driving me mad
I feel exactly the same. We spend years and years trying not to get pregnant, then as soon as we want to we hope it will happen straight away!
Fingers crossed for you x
I'm the same, on my second cycle (AF due Sunday) and was on the pill for over 10 years. I will be very disappointed if AF arrives but in comparison to some of the ladies on here, 2 months isn't something to complain about. It's true, you spend years avoiding getting pregnant and think that it will happen straight away as soon as you start trying but for most people this is not the case. Good luck to all you ladies, hopefully we won't have to wait too long! :dust: xxx
:hugs: keep your chin up hun and have some baby dust :dust: your time will come xx
I know how you feel. It's the initial excitement when you first start ttc cos you think just maybe you will get pg straight away. Well I'm nearly 10 months on and to be honest I just expect to see af now. That excitement has disappeared but I just hold on to the fact it will happen ONE day!!
Chin up Hun xx
Good things comes to those who wait, hopefully this saying is true! x
thank you guys x
fingers crossed for all of you x

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