where art thou???

Yayyyyyyy! Glad you got your surge.

Don't they say your lp remains the same throughout, give or take a day? X

well its usually 16 days, but i usually ov on cd 12.....so wonder if im gonna have a 32 day cycle this time.......xx
Hmmm - from when I researched last month it says that it is very very rare for you LP to vary by more than a day. I only researched because mine has always been 14 days but last month it was 13 days.
You could be a rare case but it is more likely that your cycle is just a tad bit longer than usual. Sorry to be a spoil sport :) x

he he thats ok chick......i dont care now i know i am ovulating...lol

weird thing is...i have pain on both sides...twins here i come (if we were ttc) but if this happens again another month, thats why im predicted twins eh??? xx

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