Feel so stressed!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
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As title says I feel so stressed been having some spotting had scan Friday all was fine and not coming from baby, still getting brown discharge some days more than others and I can't help but stress about it and think something bad is still going to happen!! God I wish I could be scanned everyday!!! I'm 7+3 now can't wait until my 12 week scan or at least until 9 weeks so I can try find heartbeat on my Doppler! How can I try relax about it!
Hey, I'm super stressed too! Especially as I've convinced myself that work was causing it. Also had a nasty dream of a miscarriage where the sac had a plastic doll inside thus am. I think some people fall easy and carry easy, and others have to try harder and suffer. I don't know about you, but ice been trying almost three years and I'm suffering awfully with anxiety, nausea and sickness. :(

I think now you've seen hb fingers crossed everything will be fine xxx
Unfortunately I don't think you will relax! But with my daughter I had spotting on and off from week 6-10 and all was fine!

This time however I had one brown wipe and I still panicked!! You'd think with my experience last time that i would be calmer but nope!! Haha

I would say if it carries on then ring your midwife! X
I'm the same, I wish I could be scanned every day! This is my 2nd pregnancy ( not counting 2 miscarriages ) and I hoped I would be able to enjoy it more than last time but no such luck:/
I'm 8+3 today, had a scan at 8 weeks and everything was fine but I've been trying to find the heartbeat with my doppler and so far nothing which isn't helping with my anxiety:/
Hey chrissi, has your spotting stopped now? I have a DD and had no bleeding at all with her so for me this stresses me out as I'm comparing this to my first pregnancy, I've had bits of nausea this time and boobs hurt which I never had with first pregnancy, but it's not really bad just have some random days where I'll sometimes feel sickly for abit,

Holi, no I probably won't destress your right!! Going the toilet is just one big dread at the mo!! I just can't help worry you read people that see all was fine in scan only to lose baby week later or something just one big worry, I have rang epu as I'm rhesus negative so want to ask if need a injection waiting for them
To ring me back and I will ask about the bleeding again see what they say x
Eminasya I couldn't find hb with my Doppler on last pregnancy until I was 9+3 and still that's early to find hb so I would try not to stress to much took me ages to find mine, but when I did find it I found it just above my pubic hairline almost on the pubic hairline so try around that area x
7+3 buddy :)

I've got no reason for concern thus far, but even I'm stressing that something is going to go wrong.
I feel positive about this pregnancy, which is in turn making me think is isn't as positive as I think, if you get me?

I found the heartbeat of my DS at around 8 weeks, possibly a couple of days before, and managed to record it at 8+3 clearly. I managed to get the heartbeat just a day after receiving my angelsounds jumper doppler (which makes me think I could have possibly heard it sooner). I've tried several times to find it this early on, with no luck thus far, which is making me panicky (silly I know!)

Wow, I hate the first tri for paranoia :(

Fast forward please? xx
Hi Nat, yeah spotting has stopped again for now. Now getting tons of cm it gross lol! Did you say you have midwife appt on 10th September! Why so far away?
I'm going to see mine this Wednesday when I will be about 7+5 xx
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I'm getting tonnes of cm aswell chrissi it is gross every time I feel
It I panic and have to check!! Yesterday my cm was normal then today it's now tinged brownish again! Arghhhh!!! My midwife appointment is so bloody far away because they couldn't fit me in anywhere else! Must have a baby boom in our area right now!!

Mummyandpj I'd love to fast forward this first tri is horrible nothing but worry!! I may have a try of my Doppler then in a few days see if I have any joys with it!! Probably make me even more stressed!ha don't think I could get anymore stressed tho right now wish this spotting would sod off! X
I'm stressed to hell too. With my first pregnancy it was a surprise and I seemed to take everything in my stride. TTC for 4 years with nothing and now a BFP I am literally counting down the hours for each day finishing and ticking off each week as a milestone and waiting until I get to the safe zone. I'm terrified something goes wrong.
Why do we do this to ourselves? lol

PP xXx
I have no clue PP I'm the same counting down the days weeks can't go bloody fast enough it's even worse when your spotting and have that dread every time you go the loo!!! We're due the same date! X

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