Feel so sick!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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The last couple of evenings I have Bern feeling so so sick!!!! Like any min I could throw up!!! I am ok during day as long as I eat but evening I feel blah!!!!!

Taking it as a good sign didn't feel like this last time:). X x.
Aww :) That's one thing im not looking forward to, i hate being sick. I can handle feeling sick, but being sick is a no no.. lol :) xx
I have felt really sick too, Havent actually been sick though, yet, touch wood.
Ginger biscuits do help a little xxxx
Oh right. i've never heard of that. That might be an option to try when i start getting morning sickness :)
I'm hoping im one of the lucky one's that don't experience morning sickness :D xxx
ok i have thrown up!!! :( i knew it was gonna happen lol!! x x x
:S aww poor you, hope you feel better tomorrow! So is it just evening's you feel like this then? I think i would prefer the morning sickness in the evening, better then having it as soon as you wake up :) lol xx
I know it doesn't feel like it Jess, but that's fantastic news , any differences to last times must be a good thing hun, roll on 8 weeks now
ooooh the dreaded morning sickness!! i still get it now! x
Thank you jenni!!! That's what I was thinking!!!:) although fazzles Are helping lol!!!
Thank you girls
X x x
I am sorry it's me the div I meantfrazzles lol!!!!! I haven't bee. I'll again but defo feel sick when I haven't eaten and only eatting helps x x x
I am sorry it's me the div I meantfrazzles lol!!!!! I haven't bee. I'll again but defo feel sick when I haven't eaten and only eatting helps x x x

Ha now I see ! oh no not frazzles as a sickness snack - Jess! I find little cheese cubes and grapes so I can snack on anytime at my desk good to always keep something in the tum, and the protein in the cheese seems to keep it at bay longer
i remember feeling like that. from 3pm onwards i couldnt eat cos of the nausea. by the time i hit 10 weeks it had stopped. i hope u sail thru hunny
Hey smess I know the feeling.....but like JJ said thats a great sign for us and shows all is going well.....yeyyyy xxx
Awwwwwwwww thank you Hun!!!! So glad yours is going well!!! Sickness is happening anywhere and everywhere! Not good!!! Thank you Hun hope you feel better x. X

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