Feel so sick :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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For the past week or so, I've started to feel a little nauseous at night time. It lasts for about an hour or 2, and when it passes, I'm starving and have to eat.

But today I woke up feeling so ill :(
Had a massive headache, so I tied a tie around my head to shift that while hubby made me egg on toast for brekkie.

But now I feel so sick. I keep running to bathroom thinking I'm gonna throw up, but I don't.

I think morning sickness has finally taken me under its cruel spell. :( fun times. X

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Oh dear, it's rubbish isn't it. I find polo mints help me a little, especially in mornings when I have to drive to work or do the school run.

Also stem ginger biscuits are good. Not ginger nuts but the posh ones with bits of crystalized ginger in. They're a bit easier to stomach than plain stem ginger!

And try to sip as much water or squash as you can. Dehydration is a pregnant woman's nemesis and just makes the sicky feeling worse. I find my sick days aren't quite so bad if i've had plenty to drink the day before.

I hope you don't suffer too badly :hug:
Flat lemonade hun. To make it flat quickly put a little bit of sugar in it.

Hope you feel better soon :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Aw hun :hugs: the best thing I found, after trying absolutely everything, was ready salted crisps. Really hope you don't suffer too much. Just think it'll be over soon :) x x
i feel your pain!!! ive been sick non stop for over a month now! im 11 weeks and 5 days and still no sign of it easing up! :(
nothings working for me if im honest! sometimes a bit of toast manages to settle but thats about it!
Feeling sick is the worst, mine started at 5+2 weeks and still going strong at 12+1 weeks. I never really found a cure for it, but I do love my marmite on toast at the mo and I love my anti sickness tablets from the doctor. Much rather just feel sick than actually be sick all the time.

I have had some days were I have felt great, but since monday I have been quite bad again. Hope u don't get too sick :hugs: xx
Aw thanks girls for all the tips! I'll try them out 1 by 1.
Only thing is, last thing I wana do when I feel sick is eat lol, but I'll give it a go.
I keep hearing good things about ginger biscuits too.

I feel a bit better now, still not 100% but I'm not feeling like I'm gona be sick any more at least.

I've also noticed that the smell of my shampoo and conditioner is making me wana boke. And this is stuff I've been using for ages that I've always liked, now I can't bare to wash my hair lol. I think tomorrow I'll pay a visit to the shops and buy some shampoo, conditioner and ginger biscuits :)

Ah the joys of pregnancy lol. Xx

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I can completely sympathise!, had the nausea and sickness for the past 2 weeks, I'm finding eating dry crackers and drinking a bit of lucozade sport before i get up helps with the initial sickness in the morning. During the day i try not to let myself get to hungry but not eat to much!!. Small snacks rather than big meals seems to help!.

My sense of smell is so strong, it's awful every little thing makes me feel sick!! Working with children means theres a lot of strong smells at work!, find myself often holding my breath. Even like you say shampoo and stuff i used to like the smell of seems overpowering.

This will all be worth it in the end though :)
This week has been getting progressively worse sick-wise. It starts in the morning and then gets worse by the evening, and when I'm lying down at night I feel like I'm really hungover and can't sleep :(

I just went to Poundland and bought 36 mini candy canes, cos mint soothes it and I can suck on them to distract myself!! I can't do this at work though (all the kids would want one too!!) so I'm just having to sip water which I hate. Sneaked in a cup of tea today, and they were watching a dvd in the dark so they didn't notice me drinking it :p

Weird thing is, my smells are back to front I think! I nearly threw up when DH baked a baguette last night (I normally LOVE the smell of hot bread) but then earlier today I drove past a landfill and the smell didn't bother me in the slightest!!

It's all so weird, but also a nice reminder that bean is there xx
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Leesey, make sure the candy canes are mint, cuz I bought them for my friends to give at our christmas dinner a few weeks ago and they were fruit flavoured lol.

I've been sucking on foxes glacier mints, but they make my breath stink lol. X

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dry biscuits are my saviour for sickness and crackers x
Leesey, make sure the candy canes are mint, cuz I bought them for my friends to give at our christmas dinner a few weeks ago and they were fruit flavoured lol.

I've been sucking on foxes glacier mints, but they make my breath stink lol. X

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Ha!! Was just complaining to DH that I couldn't believe I'd picked up fruit candy canes. Never have I heard of fruit candy canes and you called it!! Very annoyed with the fruitness :p xx
Lmao!! I know, shocked me too! Mint would be so much better! X

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I've been suffering really bad with feeling sick the last few days and it seems constant at the moment, finding it really hard to eat. Hoping this symptom will go soon! x
Hi hun. How are you feeling? :) did you find out anymore about your dates? x x

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