Way back in October I had applied to start a parentcraft course. I haven't heard from them ever since, so a fortnight ago I called the hospital since I know it's about 10 sessions long with one lesson held every week, and I haven't go all that time left now. They said I would hear from them by mail but there was a long waiting list and that I had to wait. So to make things easier for everyone I changed dates and times i.e. from sundays to weekdays, and to date, I've received nothing.
So this morning I called again and was told that when I changed the dates and times it was already too late as they are short of midwives and they are all already fully booked and they are already taking in more people than they should. The midwife I spoke to admitted that time is running out but there was nothing she could do. I feel sooooo.... let down and disappointed.
The only thing that makes me feel a bit better is that my doctor said they are very boring lessons and that they don't tell you much more than a good book would. But still.... I feel i'm letting my baby down.
Thanks for reading xxx