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Feel so embarest :( *updated pg3


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Just called my *new* doctors to make an apointment with the midwife. It says in the booklet that if you think your pregnant you need to book with her. I called and asked and the lady said 'ok how about 10:50 today' i said it wasnt any good because im working and she said 'well she only does friday mornings' so i agree'd to next friday morning instead. She asked how far gone i was and said (quite shocked) 'she wont be interested in seeing you till 10weeks'. :shock: I was so upset i was almost crying down the phone. I just said 'but i havnt seen any one about it yet and im slightly worried about it all' then she got all excited and said 'oh well you need to see a doctor first'. I feel like a right idiot. I know the booklet said to make an apointment with a midwife first but i bet she thinks im a right fool! :cry:

Im so nervous about next week now, my apointment is wednesday 10 5:10. At least now i know i will see the midwife at 10 weeks lol :D
Im still bright red from the phone call!
Don't worry :hug: Doctor's receptionists in my experience are not very helpful anyway, when I call to ask about the midwife they are clueless :roll:

How are any of us supposed to know how it works, we are all excited and think we are doing the right thing! When I first found out I was pregnant me and OH excitedly went to see the doctor who gave me a folder and told me to make an appointment to see the mw in a few weeks, I actually wanted to cry!
Doctors receptionist seem to have no social skills!

My surgery have started not giving you a doctors appt either and you just get to see the MW at 10w now too.

You would think it would be more sensible to see someone earlier so they can discuss what not to eat and folic acid etc as by 10w its a bit late!
I just want to know 100%. I want to know i can ask questions and get help when/if i need it. Its no good calling and explaining my situation every time im worried, i just want it all confirmed so i can start looking forward to things rather than stressing myself out.
They should probably read the booklets before printing them and handing them out :x at least the doctor is interested in seeing me, my old one wouldnt have.
God arn't Dr.s receptionists awful? At least once you've got past them, actually seeing the Dr will help sort out any worries you've got and make you feel brilliant, cos WOW- you're gonna have a baby :dance:
I really sympathize and don't think you need feel embarrassed. As madambully says, how are we supposed to know the correct procedure? Apart from anything else, it varies widely throughout the country and, furthermore, appears to change on practically a yearly basis.

I felt very much left high and dry when I went to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy. He said they didn't do that - didn't even have any tests in the surgery! Basically, they rely on you having interpreted the HPT correctly. He gave me no diet advice, merely advising me not to smoke or drink and then booked me in for my scan. I had to ring my friend to check what I could and could not eat and it basically means I have no checks on the baby until 12 weeks! I think it's awful, particularly for first timers who don't feel particularly confident.

Luckily, I have friends to ring up and this forum to consult. But how women in remote areas with few friends and no internet access cope, I shudder to think.
Dont worry hun, when I first found out I was pregnant, I made appointment to see doc and when I told him I was pregnant he said 'so why are you here? What do you want me to do?' :shock: I could have died! I just mumbled something about thinking that was what I was supposed to do and asked how I went about seeing midwife...I felt like an idiot! :oops:
Thats awful! :shock:
You would think if they arnt going to even confirm pregnancy and give advice they would at least set up a pregnancy website or leaflets that are easy to get hold of. I looked round in my doctors for one and couldnt see one anywhere. I know when i was thinking about TTC i looked around for advice on pregnancy and there are so many website with advice that isnt true its unbelieveable! I was so glad to find this forum but the doctors dont know that i have!!
The receptionist i talked too when i joined was really nice but the lady i talked too today wasnt... Its like they dont want you to bother them or something. :( if my doctor asks what the hell im doing there when i tell him im going to burst into tears :cry:
When I found out I was pregnant, I went to see my doctor. I told her I was pregnant and had gotten a positive pregnancy test and she basically said that's nice, congratulations. I was quite shocked that she just accepted that information and that I was pregnant. When I was refered to the midwife, she was the same. Don't they do urine tests or anything anymore? :|

The midwife said that she wouldn't see me again until I was ten weeks. But still I have had no scans or tests on the behalf of the NHS. For all they know I might be faking it all...and thats how I feel... I only paid for the private scans because I felt like I was making it all up!!! Now I get the feeling like my pregnancy isn't "worthy" of anyones time or effort at the moment and that I am not really "pregnant". If I miscarry tomorrow, no one would really care (except me and my family of course). I know it sounds strong, but it's how I feel sometimes and mainly from the medical worlds attitude to it all. :oops:
I didnt get looked at till i hit the 3 month mark either jenna im afraid, i think your classed as unimporatnt till your 3 months, sucks i know!You need the reasurrance.
Why not see how much it would cost to get a scan done privately jenna so you can check all is ok and the pregnancy is fine.
i saw my doctor first and they just took details about my last period so they could work out rough dates and i saw my mw at 10 weeks
I think im going to see what they say on wednesday and if they arnt going to do any tests i might see if the EPU will do me a scan. Theres other things i wanted to discus with them that i dont think people on here could help me with (i dont mean that in a nasty way). My last period was very light and brown and lasted 2/3days. At the time i thought it was AF but later thought it was inplantation bleeding. I got negative tests and i asked on here and every one seemed to agree with me that i wasnt and i was just hopeing too much :( . One thing that makes me wonder wether i am futher on than 7weeks is that i got a + test about 9 days before AF was due. It was only feint but definatly there. Over the last 3 weeks theyve got darker and darker.
I might be more but might not but i feel its some thing that needs investigating because if i am futher on i need to know and so do they!
i had my first scan at 14 weeks and it wasnt until then that they realised i was actually a week more than we thought
Its so amazing, you get a positive test and it tells you on the packet to see your Gp then off you go and they dont seem to want to see you at all. Well my Gp wasnt too bad, she did feel my tummy to see if she could feel anything which she couldnt which she said meant I was not further along than we thought (hopefully your doc will do that Jenna)
She also checked my blood pressure but that was it, I dont have the option to see a midwife so its just the hosp in a couple of weeks. Apparently GP surgeries dont confirm pregnancys any more because over the counter tests are now as accurate as the ones they use so there is little point.
You would think they would give you advice and get you on your way and make sure your pregnancy is as stress free as possible. Its the same with most things at the doctors, its like your hassleing them and they make out as if your paranoid just because you did the right thing and asked for help. :x
Id be happy with my blood pressure checked and some reasureing advice like 'yeah i think your pregnant' hearing a doctor say that would make me less stressed and worried. And then a date for a scan or midwife apointment so i have something to look forward too to make it seem quicker and keep my mind off worrying. :? There so lazy
It is a disgrace really, you are not asking for expensive tests or to see consultant specialists, just a little reassurence and advice, and someone to listen. I know what you mean about needing scan dates and apts, it definately helps. I have a scan date for monday week but ill only be ten weeks so Im worried they might change it, im saying nothing :shhh: , it does keep me going waiting for it. Hopefully we will be wrong and when you meet your doc she will be lovely :hug:
Hopefully she will be. Ill update in this thread when iv seen her on wednesday. Im so excited. :D
Yes, do let us know.

To be honest, I think it's all very well them saying there's little point in them testing owing to the accuracy of HPTs, BUT it's more that there's little point for them. For us, it's having an official medical person tell you that you're definitely pregnant and not imagining it all that makes a real difference.

I'm still utterly paranoid that I'm going to have my scan and be told that there's nothing there and why did I waste their time?!
Don't feel embaressed :oops: I have just found out i'm pregnant I had no idea what I should do first! I made an appointment with my GP and she was really nice about it. She didn't take any blood or examine me but she really kindly explained where I needed to go from here. She recommended me a obstetrician, gave me the details to book my 7 week scan and said once you have had that scan you can start making maternity plans. We dicussed my symptons, diet and exercise at present and she was really lovely.

I think it's so horrible when GP's have that "what do you want me to do about it" attitude, the fact is that no one is born with the knowledge of what to do once pregnant! When you find out your pregnant, the first thing I wanted to do was speak to someone professional to reassure me and point me in the right direction. Because of my lovely GP I now know exactly what I should be expecting in the next few months.
oh jenna hope your ok hun

dont worry hun receptionests are useless believe me, :x i went to the docs to see my m/w yesterday as i was getting some horrid pains and i foned her so she said pop down, got down there and i said but she looked at me and said i couldnt see her as she wasnt there, and that i didnt look pregnant.

I was was like :x so i went outside and foned m/w back and she came out and gave receptionest an earful that if someone wants to see her they should (sorry that was a litle off subject but dont like receptionests they are rude)

Hope your appointment goes well next week hun and you get to see your m/w soon :hug:

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