Feel so alone :(.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2012
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My oh is on nights at the moment and we've been staying at my parents which means sleeping on the sofa...
Doesn't bother me at all as its comfy but I just feel so alone I haven't been able to stop crying all day :(.
Oh has been asleep all day not that I can blame him but he woke up for about half hour didn't bother cuddling me or kissing me or anythin and went back to sleep :(. Just wanna be cuddled up with him and I can't. Just feels like I don't ever see him anymore :'(.
All I'm craving for is a few cuddles and some love and I can't get that cause he's sleeping!

It's a pointless thread I just needed to tell someone :'(

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:hugs: i have those days, some days i just wanna bite OH's head off and other days all i want is cuddles. Hope he wakes up soon and gives you some hugs hun xxx
I very much doubt it, I just think today he doesn't wanna be near me!
The other morning I had to work while he was sleeping and he text me all come home to bed I want cuddles :'(.
And now I'm off he's contemplating going to work EARLY today, to be there for half 7 when he doesn't start until 8:45, and he's still asleep now?!
Just wonder why I bother sometimes :(.
Feel really really really lonely :(.

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Men...very strange creatures indeed hun, never feel alone though you have us strange lot on this forum to chat with any time i know its not the same but its always good to off load sometimes and get things off your chest! :hugs: xxx
Aw so sorry to hear that hun :( that's no good!

I hated when my husband worked nights, he used to do a 24.5hr shift once a week too, and it drove me insane. Thankfully though, he stopped doing those shifts before I got pregnant.

I understand what u mean abt wanting cuddles. I still have my first teddy so if I'm in need of a cuddle and DH is unavailable, I snuggle it. Before I moved in with him, I used to put one of his t-shirts on my teddy so it smelt like him lol.

And of course, u can always moan on here :) x

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I get lonely during the day when OH is at work (I don't work). Thank god for 3 cats n 2 dogs who get lots of cuddles whether they want them or not lol.
My other half works nights aswell...i hate it!!!!!!!!!! Though he does get up earlier as he says he wants to spend at least some time with me when he can even when he's knackered bless him! Luckily like Violet i have 3 cats and 1 dog who get the brunt of my cuddles lol
Oh hun :( not sure on any advice, just didnt wanna read and run. my OH goes back on nights on Thursday, I feel greatful that I get to go to our bed but feel sad about not getting my night time cuddles!!!!x
Well today was much better he slept at work last night so when he finished we went back to our flat for a bit (as we'd been staying at my 'rents due to it being easier to get to work as our car broke lol) and we snuggled up and had a lie in and he got up at lunchtime and we went for a walk so I got some cuddles today :D

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Ahh i'm glad you had a better day yesterday hun :) xx

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