everyone seem so happy!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I am aswell, 90% of the time.
but since monday when i had a comment about Noa being mixedrace i have felt so down. And last night OH came around had bought a chinese and we where watchin tv. I just couldnt eat, felt the tears coming but i REALLY TRIED not to show him.(had my back to him) and i spoke to him trying to sound normal.
We went to bed and he went "is something wrong?" I couldnt answer i knew i was gonna start cry. "Evelina whats wrong babe, you have been so quiet"

"nothing, nothing is wrong im really happy!" sobbing away..
the thing is.. As OHs mum sadly passed away last week i feel i got no right being upset for silly reasons and i should be there for him, not the other way around.
Also we have not really had much sex since it happend (tmi) which i tottaly understand, but then im thinking WHAT IF HE DONT LOVE ME ANYMORE?
Im so stupid and sensetive and how can i tell him that?

BLess him, all he got out of me sobbing away was
"im really happy", "im trying my best" "i love you and noa so much"
He must have thought im crazy. but he loves me anyway :whistle:
Aww, hun, you must feel really vulnerable at the moment, with people making stupid comments and oh's mum pasing away. It's totally normal. I haven't got much to moan about and sometimes I can't control my emotions and get really upset about things.

It sounds like your OH is really sweet and understanding. Those comments must be playing on your mind a lot but it will pass when you don't feel so down and you realise how sad and miserable those peoples lives are to make you feel like that x.
I would honestly talk to your OH about how you're feeling x he'll understand and be able to reassure you x x hugs
Hey hun...i agree with Helen its best to talk about it and not let it linger on and stress you and the baby out, he will understand. You both need each other...just be strong and positive! :) itl all be fine trust me xx
Oh hun, like the others day, speak to your OH, he will be fine.

I remember I went through a stage of feeling really overwhelmed and didnt want to see any friends, i couldnt stop crying and didnt really have a reason for feeling so mierable just felt so overwhelmed by it all, i just wanted to stay indoors, have a good weep. It lasted a couple of weeks and i'm still a bit over emotional sometimes!

As for the lack of sex, i keep worrying about this too, we've gone from most nights to once a week! :( but im just too tired :(

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