Feel rough :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I am having a constant dull period like aching today and aching lower back.

I can just tell the last few weeks of pregnancy are going to be a joy if this continues!
awww poor you xxx
All I do is moan feel so sorry for my o/h but I cant help it im in so much pain and even simple tasks really take it out of me.
hope you start feeling better soon
Same here Annie, feeling quite crampy this afternoon. Have phoned in a sicky and gonna have a nice bath and chill i think.
Goodness your having a real time of it!! Really hope you start to feel better or have a bloody good labour to make up for it!! X
I had really bad period pain yesterday, so painful I had to go to bed halfway through dinner! x I was fine when I got back up but I was definately paying for the nesting I did yesterday and day before (and today)! x really hope you feel better soon x hugs x
:hugs:aww....hugs ... hope u feel better soon...try some back stretches...used to help me last time in later stages :) xx:oooo:
aw hun hope you feel better iv learnt if i just dont move or do anyhting im fine lol
Have yourself a nice relaaxing bath and when you get out put your feet up. NETTY'S ORDERS :flower: xx
Thanks girls-just had a thai curry and a magnum- feel much better now :)

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