Alexis - if I remember correctly I hit a massive emotional wall around 6 months of 'officially' trying. It probably didn't help that a colleague announced she was pregnant around the same time but either way I really felt like I was at the point of breakdown. My poor husband really didn't know what to do with me as I'm normally the calm and level headed sort and I couldn't really tell him what to do to help me either!!
All through our teens we are wired to believe that pregnancy is the worst possible outcome of sex and put so much effort into avoiding it that when we decide it's the right time, we just expect it to happen and we're not programmed to deal with it when it doesn't!!
Unfortunately we are still trying and failing miserably but I know for me I am coping so much better knowing that we are getting investigations and questions answered even if there have been a lot of bumps on the way for us. I've also started having reflexology and acupuncture. Although I know they may not help us conceive, just having some time set aside just for me is helpful and also gives me somewhere I can let off steam since I'm paying for the privilege of having someone listen to my crap at the same time haha! It also means that I don't feel like I'm wearing my husband down all the time.
At the end of the day, I knew I couldn't carry on the way I was. It just wasn't sustainable. Hopefully this helps. Good luck.