Feel like crying...

you know, i'm really upset for you. i just don't get some people. all you have been through, your sister should be there by your side the whole way checking you are ok. i just can't believe she is acting like this!! i have two friends who are sisters in law and one had a girl, the other had a girl later and the first one hated it. its funny that you called your sisters little girl a 'princess' your sis probably thinks she is a princess and doesn't want another girl taking the limelight!

u look after yourself and leave her to herself and her OH! ur better than that xx
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Ah sorry hun, it is your sisters problem, and she needs to grow up and realise what she has been like to you. She should be over the moon about your baby whatever the gender , just that's it's healthy is fantastic esp after amnio, (I had CVS and feel for your worry and waiting). And if she had spent more time thinking about you and your recent worries , she would understand what you have been through. You have no control over the gender of your lovely baby, a girl is fantastic news.

I think let her be, try not to let it upset you or ruin your pregnancy, you enjoy it after waiting half of it worrying. Hopefully after you have her , your sister will realise actually having another girl in the family will be perfect for her Sophie too , and she will come round, but let it be her problem, she is the one who is missing out. Unfortunately she will need to learn this for herself
Thanks for all advice & support girls. All I can do is hope she comes round too, another thing I don't get is, that her hubbys brother has a girl, and she is all over her! I know she is similar age to Sophie, but still its a girl!
I am going to try and not let it bother me anymore, I have to start and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy now (easier said than done) hopefully I will be back at work in the next week or two which should help take my mind off things. Thanks again girls x x x
Ooooh this has really annoyed me on your behalf! I couldn't imagine my sister ever behaving like that - thats so awful! If anything, she should be happy you're having the same as her, her girl will be like a big sister to her to look up to!!! My motto is when people behave like idiots, just ignore them, regardless if they are family! As they say you can't choose your family! If you have other people who are supporting you then stick with them and don't even bother telling her anything. Life is too short to worry about insensitive people!

hope things improve for you xxxx and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
Thank you. I am not going out of my way to contact her now. I will let her contact me if she wants too. X x x
I just read your post and I am shocked at how your sister is treating you and I think you should keep your distance and concentrate on yourself and the baby. She very jelous which is really obvious! xx
my god, people are so weird. Its your baby so try not to let your family get you down. You are right, all that matters is they are healthy, it really doesnt matter what sex they are. I hope you can get things sorted with your sister but if you don't she is the one that will be missing out, not you. Good luck xx

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