Name Thief! :(

I think that if she knew you wanted Amiee she should at LEAST have spoken to you about it. It's so difficult to think of names :x
But things happen for a reason and I am sure now you'll think of a name you like even better.
If I were you I would have to say something- just a passing comment so that fact that Aimee was your original choice is noted. But i'd wait until you have thought of another name- so you can say it with a smile! :twisted:
I would be Ragin :twisted: Im going to keep my favourite names to myself from now on I think
I think i'd say something like..good job i didn't tell you the REAL name we want isn't it..that way if she did 'steal' your name to be spiteful you'll have taken the wind right out of her sails and she wont think she got one over on you

My friend has this done to her, she wanted to call her daughter Tasmin, her friend or relative got in 1st so she changed it to Tamzin and said she prefers it to Tasmin anyway.
I would be so annoyed!!!! Thankfully my SIL asked me what i wanted to call any children we had. I have always wanted James (since i was about 2, i called all my dollys James!) after my Ganddad so she completely respected that and although that was on her top 3 names they chose something different. I was so happy with her - i hope your cousin changes her mind x

You could still call the baby Aimee, I had the exact same name as my cousin. (First, middle and sur name!!!!) (maiden name)

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