feel down :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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just thought id come on 4 a little rant... found out 2day my x and this babys dad is gettin married on saturday :( its 2 th girl he was with b4 me... she was pregnant with his baby wen we were 2geva n i new it so i was cool with it but now hes just decided that he wants 2 play happy families with her. shes a reali nice girl n we were gr8 friends n i dnt blame her. i just hate him, i dnt wana be with him but he told me he wasnt ready 2 be a dad n now hes playing happy families with her n their lil boy. i feel so down... i jus keep cryin. i jus think this baby deserves 2 no who his/her dad is even if he is an absolute a** :cry: its so stupid cuz i hate him n this baby is my only concern now bt i see couples with babies everywhere n i jus hate tht he dusnt care...
ok rant over with now n i feel bit beta :)
hope ya all ok... take care
Sorry if i am intruding but seems to me you are better off without him. One day you will meet a lovely man who will become your L/O father and I bet you he will be a much more loving father than the real one. Keep your chin up you and your family will have enough love for you baby he/she wont care about not having a dad role at the moment.

Take care x
no ur not intruding...!! is nice 2 have some advice!! thanks 4 th advice, i feel alot better now getting tht off my chest and u sayin tht. that is basically wot my mum sed but i suppose u need 2 hear things like that from people who arent as close 2 u... maybe its jus me??
thanks again :D
take care xx
Hi hun

im sorry to hear that but things will surely get better. My friend son grew up without his dad and for the past two years shes been with a new guy and he treats him like his own... so there are good guys out there whos gonna love to be his or her dad.
Hope your ok and try not to get your self too upset, gotta take care of your little one.
garry never wanted nething to do with B wen i was PG and i was heart broken at this fact and decided that if he didnt wanna know B hen B is better of without him so i do know how r u feeling! now garry comes round at least once a week and is getting more devoted to him eash time - so dont give up hope!! but if he aint really interested at least your baby has still got u and tlking to u on MSN i know u will be a great mum to ur lil bean so chin up :D :D

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