kids dad and a new baby .. bit of a rant

he said he wants a few days break and is going 2 text me on saturday but im not sure if i want to be in the relationship if its just going 2 b continuous arguments about the new baby and all were going to do is keep making up adnd breaking up
see what hapens on saturday
thanks miss gobby :hug:
x sophie x
Awww no hun im so sorry! This other woman sounds like a right knob!

Firstly shes probably liying about being pregnant, just to brake you 2 up.
Secondly if she is pregnant, then how does your ex/oh know for a fact that its his?

This woman sounds horrible, I really do feel for you hun. You have everything going for you that why he wants you and not her. Shes just a jealous old hag.

*huge hugs* :hug:
Wel she is still saying she is pregnant and that it is definatly Oh's because he is th eonly 1 she has ever slept with, but as a 20 yr old girl who does have a bad reputation, i dont believe her but OH does!!
at the moment we r 2gever but i havent even spoke 2 him since thursday..not replying 2 my texts or anything so i dont even no where i stand, what 2 do or were all this leaves our relationship!
:wall: h8 men sometimes!!
x sophie x
thanks 4 all the suport girls :hug:
now an even bigger problem
how do i tel him im expecting again
i really dont no how he is going to react when we aint 2gether and hes expecting with the other girl :doh:
its a difficult situation :think: but he does hav 2 children already with u... is she definately pg then?
im still not even sure he hasnt even mentioed it 2 me .. maybe that has something to do with the fact he wont talk 2 me 4 sum un-nown reason :evil:
i dont even care if she is pregnant anymore i just dont wnat m kids 2 be left out because him and his family are 2 busy fussin over the other girl because its her 1st
x sophie x
i hope they dont do that, yes its her 1st but thats no reason to make a big fuss of her n leave u n ur kids out. i think u need 2 let him kno neway, see what happens. lots of good luck :hug: x
finally managed 2 pluck up the courage to tell him about the baby 2day
he was more excied than i thort to be honest. i thort he wouldnt be happy and that but he is well excited and started foneing his mom n family
maybe things are going 2 get better from now on :pray:
x sophie x

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