feel a bit of a nutter


Active Member
Feb 15, 2005
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feel a bit of a nutter :? :? at the moment im nearly 6 weeks pregnant but we have told everyone and i keep thinking should i have waited incase something goes wrong.

This is my second child and i never even entertained the fact that something would go wrong the first time round but this time its all i can think about

Anyone else having this problem
Yes I know exactly how you feel, this is my second pregnancy and so worried this time that something might go wrong. My first was horrible, put on 4 half stone and hated every minute of it.
Am just so scared this time. We've only told the family but Im bursting to tell others, but just feel i cant yet.
Hi, yes, I know exactly how you feel...the first time (DD 5 Years) it never occured to me that there would be a problem, and so told everyone as soon as we found out..we'd only been together a couple of months, so there were so many reasons not to tell, but none of them occured to us, and here we are now, married nearly 5 years, #2 on the way, and although we've both told our closest friend, ie, DH has told one person, I've told one here, and one in NZ, we haven't told anyone else, not family or friends, or anyone, and I'm finding it extremely hard. I keep stressing, and thinking that every day that passes is another closer to the "safe" date. I expect blood whenever I go to the loo, but so far none, so thats great, but even though I'm trying to be as positive as I can, it's taken us three years of trying to get here, so I'm very aware that it could all be taken away in a moment. Anyway, we've decided that the next person to know will be DD, and we'll tell her next weekend, that way she'll have the weekend to ask us questions before telling everyone else. After that will be MIL, and then I'll phone my folks in NZ..obviously can't do a face to face with them. After that we'll be sharing the news with our other friends, and then on a need to know basis, until it's obvious and there's sort of no alternative. At least thats the plan so far :lol: I don't think that there's any real need to hide it from anyone, it's just that for us we feel we have to give our DD the respect that she deserves, and that means letting her think that she knew first. The people we've told are very trustworthy, and will not mention it unless we're alone, which is great. If it wasn't for DD, we would probably have told everyone already, but we sort of figured that when you're 5 time drags on for a week, and that 9 months was too much for her to handle. Anyway, if something did go wrong (God forbid) isn't it better that your friends and family know, and can therefore help and support you through your loss and grieving?
I sincerely hope that you have an uneventful and happy pregnancy, and that the excitement can only grow from here, along with your new baby!
Good Luck, Love and Light,
This is my 2nd pregnancy, my first one ended in a miscarriage last year. I became pregnant again 2 months later and my DH really wanted to keep it quiet incase something went wrong again, but I couldn't hold it in. I told my mom, who then told the rest of my family. His whole family didn't know until I hit my 2nd trimester. I thought about keeping it secret, but I'm so close to my mom and if I had another miscarriage or something went wrong then I felt I would need her there for me. This pregnancy is going great and we're so thrilled and thankful! I'm cherishing every minute of it! I wish you the best with your pregnancy, all of you! :)
I told my parents and a close friend first of all when i found out, which was when i was about 5 weeks, but my boyfriend couldnt help himself and told the world and his wife, I know what you mean about feeling a bit worried incase something goes wrong, and then having to explain it all.

Im just taking each day as it comes and trying to think positive without getting to ahead of myself. its a huge thing for anyone to experiance and not surprising you want to tell everyone!

Hope all goes well, take care
thanks everyone its nice to know its not just me.

We have told my daughter who is 6 and i think maybe we should have waited not sure how to explain that one if anything does go wrong.

We told her because other people knew and didnt want her to hear it from my parents or his.

I dont think she really took it all in like you say 9 months is a long time when your young, or old :D

I bought some babygros today but wishing i hadnt now incase iv tempted fate.

I feel the same as you. I told everyone as soon as we found out just 4 days after I missed AF and took a test. I was surprised that some of my family thought it was too early for me to tell anyone. The way I see it is I am either pg or not so why shouldn't I enjoy every moment of it right from the start?! Of course I am aware of the risks in the first trimester but I am doing everything in my power to ensure my good health and that of my baby so why should anything go wrong? Being positive is the only thing stopping me from worrying all day and night.

I also have a wardrobe full of baby clothes that have been given to me while I have been TTC as I don't believe in tempting fate.

lou :)
EDD 3rd Dec
There's no way in the world that I could have not told my family - especially my mum that I was pregnant!

I waited 5 days to test and as soon as I got my positive we drove round to my mum's and told her, my dad and my sis. Then we went to Chris' mum's and told her and her boyfriend.
I also told a couple of close friends.

I know that people are cautious because of the higher chance of miscarriage in the early weeks but if I'd miscarried I'd have wanted my family to know so that they could support me so I didn't see any point in waiting.

As for telling work etc. well that's a whole other matter.
well im trying to be more positive today as i dont smoke dont drink well wont drink while pg there is no reason anything should go wrong apart from me being slightly unhinged :D

is anyone else having stomach ache i feel like im having af pains a bit like a pulling but i dont remember getting those with my first
For the first time today Im getting really bad pains in my tummy. Not liking it at all!!!! Didnt have this first time round either. Got my 1st scan on thursday so hopefully we'll get the all clear.
oh i hope so im only nearly 6 weeks so a bit behind you i hope everything is ok let us know
Discomfort and painful twinges can be perfectly normal as your uterus and all the muscles around it are stretching.

If however the pain is strong, you're safest bet is to ring your midwife/doctor. It might be nothing but these people are there for you and will be happy to reassure you. If they are worried then they may ask you to go for a check up just to be sure.

yeah I was having cramps every day from about 4 weeks until 8 weeks- they seem to have just stopped now. They weren't exactly painful but they were uncomfortable- like the start of my pretty awful AF pains but before the pain kicks in. It's just muscles stretching I think although I found it a bit worrying at the time too. Apparently it's really common...

Yes I did, it was pretty much on and off most of the time. They didn't keep me awake at night but they were distracting at work. If they'd actually passed into the painful category I think I would have mentioned it to the doctor but it really did feel just like everything was stretching. I had a little burst of cramps yesterday afternoon actually but apart from that it does seem to have stopped for the moment. I've read posts from a lot of people who've experienced this- particularly if it's their first pregnancy which was quite comforting.


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