fed up

hi lindsay hun am doing good at the moment thanks hun still feeling shit with pregnancy symptoms but weve not long left now :D
people can be so insensitive ive been getting lots of comments lately about my size and its made me feel really low so this week ive treated myself to a few pampering sessions which have been lovely and made me feel loads less frumpy :D ive had my hair cut and high lighted had my nails done and had a pedicure and had my toe nails painted the works ooh its made me feel loads better plans for next week include a leg wax and eyebrow shaping :D am determined to have something done every week now till its time for baby to come finishing off with some reflexology at a local chinese herbalist place in town its supposed to help with labour :? they also do acupuncture for labour hmmm not sure if i fancy that. all a bit expensive but im not spending money going out anywhere so what the hell lol xxxxxxxxxx
rach all that treatment sounds fab!! I have had false nails on for about 4 years, about 4 weeks ago I had them taken off :( wasn't sure they were practical and the other main reason was for the expense of them. Well as you can imagine my nails underneath are now like paper, they are so weak and break so easily. The technician is still coming to my house every 2 weeks to give me a manicure to help strenghten them but they don't look anywhere near as nice as my falseys did :( I also get my eyebrows waxed and shaped when she comes too!! I have booked a hair app for Friday - so hopefully that will make me feel better too. I know how you feel I feel so frumpy and have started to get cellulite on my legs too which is getting me down - I have read the other thread about this being common but I don't like it at all :( I like the sound of refexology might have a go myself to help with the labour!!

lindsay the tops of my legs look awful and my bum they are covered in cellulite its horrible hope it goes after :(
having my hair done was the best bit it was lovely to lie back and have it washed lol might go and have it washed and blow dried once a week now it was so relaxing :D xxxxxxx
Hi Rach... Hi Lindsey

Glad your feeling better rach - you sounded so down at the begining of the week.. like everyone else has said! you'll be a perfect mum...and you know this because you are already!

You girls made me laugh a little and cheered me up a bit! feeling down today myself... Men and how they get it so easy! I've still got a lot to come! only 24 weeks... bump is begining to restrict me slightly! one good thing thou! i never have to get up in the nite for the loo.... i'm finding it harder to bend down and pick something up from the floor! leaning over a shopping trolley is also becoming a little more akward.... I'm having to do things slower which is so annoying to me as i'm always in a rush.... what week did it all get on top of you? I' like you Lindsey - looking forward to 4 days off for easter and 2 weeks at 4 working days..

Rach don't apologise for moaning... we all have a good moan on here at some stage! is it time for you lot to start on the herbal tea? get these babies out!!!

It was last weekend Hayley that everything got on top of me. I had been out with Dh looking at new fireplaces and surrounds on Saturday morning and then into town for my mum a birthday present and when I got in my legs and ankles were swollen - that was the first time that I thought I am sick of this, just get this baby out of me!! I have been shopping today and my legs and ankles are fine, which is strange must have just been a bad weekend last week.

hayley things started getting on top of me at around 30 weeks i find every time i get any sort of pain now i cry :cry: im just so fed up of being in pain im still trying to do everything as normal and its so frustrating being restricted i end up in tears annoyed with myself its all the little things i love a nice soak in the bath but now i cant cos as soon as i lie down its game over the baby hates it and moves so i cant sit back up i end up stranded in bath :( cant get a full nights sleep as the pain in my hips wont let me for more than 2/3 hours :( and now baby is so low down i cant even get half way round the supermarket without needing to sit down as i feel everything is going to fall out any minute :shock: its awful id love to go for a nice long walk but 10 mins and i need to sit :(
Rach hun ur not alone i feel so emotional now i feel sore sick of aches and pains, and sick of listening to myself moaning..

cant sleep at night i either wake with pins and needles cramp back ache or rib ache,

its realy proving to be hard now having two babies so close it hurts to pick up Dior bath Dior, she loves to play with me but wants to jump on my belly :(

my belly button is sooooo sore i have got it pierced but took bar out untill baby comes but it reals like its going to rip open any time

and these ugly stretch marks itch so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall:
aww dionne hun i dont envy you im sure i would never cope with a little one as well as being pregnant it must be so difficult for you :(
ive also got belly button pierced mine has been ok till last week and i woke up and it looks like its starting to rip was all red and sore ive put a bigger retainer in and its settled down a bit now but not sure its going to make it all the way to the end of this pregnancy :( il be gutted if i have to have it re done
as for the stretchmarks :talkhand: lol my belly is like freddy krugers been at it :(
and ppl like being pregnant???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
i was just standing in the shower thinking to myself... what is nice about being pregnant???? apart from getting the most wonderful gift at the end of it all... what else is there????? No stretch marks yet and hoping/wishing/preying/beging i don't!!!! have to just wait and see... hormones are the nite mare for me at the moment... DH keeps joking that i pick on him for everything... he says i moan if he breathes the wrong way... takes his shoes off the wrong way!!! so now i'm paranoid as hell that i'm moaning all the time... which makes me feel like crap, i'm crying and get depressed because i'm worrying about moaning... is there no end to it!!!! I start thinking... DH doesn't touch me anymore! maybe he doesn't fancy me any more! maybe i've turned into a nagging wife! is this why he spends so much time away from the house!!!! now i've got myself paranoid again.... vicious circle... and i have weeks left....

roll on the weeks...

God, reading your posts is like reading about me! I was so hoping that pregnancy would be a magical experience & something so wonderful but as its just horrid. :(

I feel guilty coz I keep saying I want him out now, i'm fed up & want my body to start to get back to normal & i'm fed up being in pain every sodding minute of the day & i'm just sooooo tired but my stupid body won't let me sleep & thats all I can focus on at the mo. then I think I should be saying I want him out coz i'm dying to meet him & hold my baby etc etc, I do obviously want that too but its being marred by the negative stuff, then I keep thinking that makes me a bad selfish person coz i'm not thinking of my son first. (Does that make sense - difficult to write down how I feel?!)

I really do sympathise with you & I love the fact that we can come on here & have a moan, i'm trying not to do it much around my family & friends coz i'm sure they're getting sick of me by now.

Anyway, I just want to say thank you to everyone on here who's listened (so to speak!) to me moan & sorry at the same time :lol:

Hope you all feel better & brighter soon.

Take Care.

Nicki.x :D
Orr Nicki that's what we are here for, I have found this website a godsend :lol: I must be doing a good job at work, cos one of my colleagues told me that when she has a baby she wants the experience to be the same as mine - she said that I don't moan ( :lol: yeah right!!) and am just getting on with it - which to an extent is true, but DH would laugh his head off if he heard someone say that I don't moan :lol: :lol: sometimes I annoy myself with the moaning 'my back hurts', 'I can't sleep', 'can we walk a bit slower', 'I think I need to go to the toilet again' 'the pressure down below is unbearable' and I am now starting to get breathless walking up the stairs and what's this all about, my shins have now started to hurt!!!!

Poor you, its horrible. I keep telling myself i'm lucky & that there are plenty of women who can't have children so i'm blessed in that respect and that its not forever and it'll all be worth it in the end, which it will be for all of us but that still doesn't help with the aches, pains & discomfort! :(

My shins hurt for about two weeks ish & I told my doctor about it & he said its just because we over compensate when we walk because of the bump & we start to use muscles that we wouldn't normally use that much, it did go away so hopefully yours will too!

Take care.

Yeah don't got me wrong, I wouldn't change being pg for the world - I know that I am blessed and the end result will be worth it in the end, I just don't like hurting!!

Thanks for info about my shins - have just got out of a warm bath so feel lots more relaxed now :clap:

my shins have been getting real sore recently. but the good thing about being preg and having a baby is i lean on the pushchair :D

so many people have said to me "owww i loved being pregnant"

i think they are crackers.... i wont be getting pregnant after this one..

with all the technoligy nower days maybe in the future we will be growing babies... il be up for it then

me and kris *do the deed*
then watch are baby grow in a lil plant pot...

ok i sound wierd now but hey it would be alot easier :lol:
dionne - that sounds brilliant... i'd definaltly have another!!!

I shouldn't even be in here yet... when does the 3rd trimster start? is it week 28????

Nicki - i'm sorry your having a bad time with sleeping and aches n pains etc. I hope coming on here and letting it all out helps (even if just a little bit) I always feel better when i have a little moan to everyone on here... We're all in the same boat! So we understand totally...

its week 27 hun,

hey if u like chatting and moaning with us 3rd trimmester mummies then thats good to me :)
hi everyone been a miserable cow for last few days and not been on pc but im back to have a moan lol :wink:
have to agree with everyone else this site is a godsend :clap:
pressure down below is getting me down now along with lower back ache which is why ive been avoiding pc sometimes it hurts too much to sit here and as much as i hate it day time tv has also become a godsend lol
sleeping a little better now with the addition of a few more pillows at this rate im gonna need a bigger bed :shock:
hope everyone else not feeling too bad xxxxxxxxx
I went and had my hair done this morning and was told that it was in excellent condition since being pg, very shiny :D but that it was also growing lots thicker, so have had a really good cut, only had an inch taken off the bottom but had my layers sliced into again - feels really nice :lol: but then I went to look at mat tops, and I must say that DHwas extremely patient with me (think he could see that I was getting more upset the more I tried on!!) I am in between sizes, one size fits my arms and shoulders but is tight across my bump and the other fits my bump but drowns me in the arms and shoulders, aagh :x in the end I bought a bigger size gypsy style top which will have to do!! Well all the trying on really took it out of me so I came home and had a sleep for an hour :wink: hope everyone else is ok?


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