fed up!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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Beware ramble ahead!!!!!!!

hi girls, wel as ur all wel aware i did FR at 11dpo and got stupidly rubish second line :(
did a cbd 12dpo and got another not pregnant but didnt use FMU like i was told... iv always had a problem doing whats right lol....
at 5dpo i had AF cramps, backache
at 7dpo i had some light pink spotting for like an hour
and iv had sore boobs for what seems like aggesssss!!!
some days it looks like i have more white spots than others some days my nipples look DARK and other days really light beige!! but for the past 4 days around 4-6pm every night iv felt sick, never been sick but the feeling is there.
i think its the witch teasing me, iv had such bad back ache today,
what with al these bfp's showing at 3 weeks and 3 days i think mine is not going to come
its 3 weeks and 5 days since my last period and nothing
just that silly fu****g FR test.... which if i get a bfn will never touch again ever in my life!!!!!!!!!!
there is a line there but its bloody pale as they come, that pale its white!!!
i feel like crying my eyes out its driving me loopy im just thinking of giving in now :(
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Oh Linx hun :hugs:

It is just around the corner for you! :)
You never know you may just have a shy positive waiting to pop up when you least expect it! Dont give up! :hugs:
thanx rachael but i think iv already given up :(
How frustrating Linx :hug:

It's just one cycle though, there is always the next one - and like Rachel said, you don't know until you get AF :)

How are things with your OH btw? I was catching up on some threads - are you both back on track now?
Massive hugs Linx, sorry things are getting you down.

Remember how it was with Alfie though, took a while for you to get your bfp before showed up. Might happen again.

And if not, you can relax over Christmas & try again.
Minxie, you're not out til AF arrives and so far, you're in with a good chance! The signs look good for you hun, please don't give up hope. Your BFP took a while to appear when you were pregnant with Alfie - if I recall correctly, it wasn't until you were 9 weeks that you finally saw your BFP? Keep your chin up my lovely, I'm rooting for you. :pompom: x x
Hang in there Linx :hug:
Like the girls said you didnt see BFP for 9 weeks with your Alfie so you prob are a late shower.
Agree completely as above!!! If you keep that damn witch away then your BFP is just lurking - better not bloody wait 9 weeks this time - can you imagine just how insane you would go??? Keep testing every 3 days and once you're super late, get bloods from doctor and explain the 9 week thing when pregnant with Alfie - put your mind at rest eh? Oh and *big hug* from me honey - its ok to get stressed I know what I was like last month.
hi girls thanx so much for your replies
louiseb- yeah belive it or not i feel like iv fel in love with him all over again
well iv done another first respponce tonight no FMU and no line not even a faint one god knows what that white one was but it def wasnt my bfp
i feel sick, i cant stop crying and am completely fed up still im sick of hearing myself moan never mind anyone else listening :(
thanx girls :) take it ill go back to ttc forum now
my af due tuesday so not long till ill know for sure:(
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Aww linx I'm sorry your feeling down! You ain't out yet tho!!
Big hugs xx
i am though :( i know i am, these things must all be in my head... :(
Sorry your feeling so down :hugs:
Fx all the symptoms you are getting will be your bfp hunny x x

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i really think its AF but thats the way it goes i suppose
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What makes you say that? Are you spotting?
Chin up chic, enjoy ur xmas relax watch Home alone we are all here with ya xx
no nothing im not spotting or anything but i dont feel pregnant
and surely if tht was a line on fr it wud have showed up last night too??
and great my extra fertile period starts christmas day!!! i wont be seeing OH then either :cry:
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