Fed up with getting ill

your holiday has come around really quickly.. i remeber you booking it to cheer yourself up from trying and getting BFN month after month... those time seems so far away now! look at us... about to become mums (again/and for the first time)

Hope you start to feel better soon... i'd take the anti biotics to make sure you get rid of the chest infection once and for all... you don't want it coming back and back...

I gave up this morning after yet another sleepless night in pain, and have been back to the doctors. Now armed with my anti-biotics, I am determined to get better!!!!!

The doctor also said that I may not be 100% better to go back work next week, so looks like I might be off until the 22nd May which is after we come back from Ibiza!! :lol:
Make yourselves some honey and lemon in hot water works wonders :)
Thanks Manda, but the thought of anything sweet at the minute turns my stomach. I'm going through a real savoury phase at the minute, and don't think I could even stand the smell of the honey. I'm still doing the steam inhalations and they keep my sinuses clear for about half an hour, so I'm managing. I know I wouldn't cope if I was at work though.
i'm the same, just getting over a cold. and i just had a really bad one before eva was born (im sure that brought labour on early as i was sooo poorly with it!)

i feel like my immune system is so low. might get some vitamins!
Hope you're feeling better Tankett! :D

I've got the lurgey now! :(
The anti-biotics seem to be doing the job. The pain is going, but the blocked sinuses are still there. :( The mw told me yesterday that unfortunately, I'll just have to live with this for the next 18 weeks. :(

I'm still off work, there is no way I would be able to work as I can't breathe, so that's going to be fun when I go back!! :lol:

Aww, sorry to hear you've got it now Sam. Hope you feel better soon hun.
Aw Tankett are you going mad with boredom at home? Sorry to hear you are still not 100%... but hey better be resting than overdoing it at work!!

Blocked sinuses is not nice.. you must feel lousy.. I am not suffering but I do seem to be bunged up all the bl**dy time and when I do blow my nose I nearly always get a bleed - despite very soft blows.. oh well... just another lovely preg symptom to be thrilled about I guess!!

Hope you [and SAM too!!] feel better soon :wink:

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