this is sick but do u wake up with it?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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ok.. i know this is really really gross but i was wondering if i was the only one..every morning i wake up with a really thick throat.. especially where my nose meets my throat, like i have to sniff realy thick phlem into my mouth then spit it out? this morning ive woke up and my throat is really really sore..ive had my tonsils out but the dangly thing hurts :( and ive got a cough.. poor me lol..
It could be a mixture of the pregnancy and the climate change? Have a word with your doctor hun, better see if you can get it sorted xx
i do!!
i feel like im really stuffed up but its normal x
lol.. nappy brain strikes again.,.. but i fogot that i also have a runny nose at the mo.. thats prob y! :)
Yeah ive been like that every morning like ive got a really bad cold but then i blow my nose and its fine for the rest of the day.
Are you drinking enough? I once went to the Dr's about my dangly bit cos it was swollen :rotfl:( sounds terrible ) and he said it was dehydrated because i sleep with my mouth open. :oops:
Now if I wake up like that I just drink pints and pints of water until it shrinks :oops:
Just in case you are;

Don't sleep with your window/door closed, this doesn't circulate the air, dirty particles and such can cause colds and it's unhealthy. If you have to sleep with the doors or window closed and you have the heating on, place a large bowl of cold water under the heater.
ihave to have the window open
makes me feel sick if theres no fresh air

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