February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Hi Tigeress
I think I've sent you a message on Facebook. Can I join the group please?
Hi SheenaVadher
I've been charting my cycles too, so I know when I ovulated.
The docs always go from your lmp until the dating scan, when they might adjust your due date.
Lmp of 5th makes you 7 weeks today and your O date makes you 7 +3 today. So I don't know where she got 6 weeks from either, lol!
I think it's a bit silly that they don't take your input into account because not everyone has a regular cycle x
This thread is getting quiet, are you all chatting on facebook now?
I'm not, there just never seems to be anyone on here xx
I'm still here too, just been quiet as I've been hit really badly with sickness �� Ended up at the doctors yesterday as I couldn't cope anymore, wasn't even keeping drinks down. So I've been prescribed some tablets and they seem to be helping as I feel a little better today. I was trying not to resort to medication as would rather not take the risk but I haven't been able to look after my little boy properly and just couldn't function ��

Sorry to hear you've started being sick luratraloora �� xxx
I'm still here. Just had a bit of a tough week with the sickness and worrying about my scan in a couple of weeks x
I'm still here too, not sick yet which is great I guess but just stressed and grumpy. It's very odd but I think I have a pretty big bump already which is crazy at 5+5...
Me too little pip. I'm 6+4 today and I feel huge already! I didn't start showing until way aftwr 20 weeks with my first
Morning all. I just bought a nursing chair from a friend, it was a bargain but he was confused why I wanted it!
I have started to feel nauseous too, not yet vomitted but feel sick and already hate brushing my teeth was the same in my first pregnancy having a tooth brush in my mouth and the strong flavour just made me want to be sick ��

I had to tell my best friend today about the pregnancy because I am her maid of honour in September and will now need to get a new dress as I will have no hope of fitting in the one I already have when I will be 17 weeks. She took it really well and is happy which is a relief although I know she isn't the bridezilla anyway.
Exciting kimmy! I got married on the first June. This is a wedding baby!
I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling huge. I'm only 6 + 1 today and I have a definitely bigger stomach!! Xx
Ok girls, I haven't caught up but need to join. If all goes well I should be due 26th Feb

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