Fear of machines/things that move or make noise.

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi there...

haven't posted in this forum for a while but something happened today that made me wonder.

We had an appointment with an orthopaedic consultant today so that Naomi could get checked out as she has been turning her feet in when she walks. The letter said nothing at all about x rays and when we arrived in imagine my annoyance when they sent me down for a shot of her hips. I am 14 weeks pregnant, and I couldn't go into the x ray room with Naomi, who isn't three yet.

Naomi is panicky about machines that make noise, cars, trucks, etc. It took her 6 months to get used to the washing machine and still won't walk into the room when it's going. She hates the hoover and her cousin's electric wheelchair scares her too.

Imagine what she was like in the x ray room! She immediately started to scream and roll on the floor shouting "Don't put me on the bed, don't put me near the machine!" She was scared of the light and I couldn't be with her at all and had to go into the radiographer's cubicle and watch as one woman held her down (naked from the waist down too which must have been more scary) with what looked like all her strength. Naomi was beside herself and I was almost as bad. She moved and they didn't get a proper shot, so I drew the line at that point. I didn't want any more distress for my baby.

And to my astonishment then the woman who held her down said - "is this a fullblown tantrum then?" and laughed! I told them quite indignantly that this was FEAR, pure and simple. The radiographer said she'd never seen "anything so bad" in all her life. She was totally cold and unsympathetic the whole time. I was so upset I was shaking and Naomi was so worn out by all this that she fell asleep in the waiting room afterwards.

Has anyone else had similar experiences? Do you think I should have Naomi's seemingly irrational fear of the unknown looked at or do you think it's normal? I'm beginning to be worried that she has a nervous complaint of some kind, like an anxiety disorder? I have a diagnosis of mild OCD and GAD myself, but hope I haven't passed it to her.


I don't like big machinery either. I had to have a CT scan when I was heavily pregnant and I was terrified.

Tom is scared of loud machinery too...washing machine/dishwasher/burglar alarms etc. I think it's normal.

What you and Naomi went through sounds awful and heartbreaking.

If I were you, I would put a complaint in writing to the hospital. It is unforgiveable for them to have behaved like that.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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