Favourite childhood toys

TROLLS!!! I used to have mountains of those and i have passed then to Amy but she isn't as enthusiastic as me over them though!! Lol :lol:

Gem, does anyone remember that, she used to press her earring and change costume!! lol oh the memories!!
glow worms!!! :lol: :lol:


screwball scramball[/color][/b] :D


I used to collect these dolls, and i had them all, Amy now plays with them like barbies and it'd good that the memory never died!!!
Jem is excitment
ooo-ooh Jem
Jem is adventure
glamour and glitter
fashion and fame

Jem is truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous
Wo-oo-oo Jem
The music,s contagious, outrageous
Jem is my name, no one else is the same, Jem is my name

I loved that song. I had the dolls, with her flashing earrings
I still have my snugglebum, my sylvanian families, rainbow brites, dolls, barbies, my little ponies, stuffed toys and playmobil.

LOL I couldn't bear to part with them!!

I also used to love (but no longer have) sindys and wuzzles
Lol, beanie :D :D - i'm not that obsessed!! ha ha ha ha, i'm glad someone else knew it.

Kim, i know you secretly play with them when mick's gone to bed! you told me so!!! :dance: :dance:
Yvonne said:
Lol, beanie :D :D - i'm not that obsessed!! ha ha ha ha, i'm glad someone else knew it.

Yeah but I bet you are humming along to the tune, I can't get the bloomin thing out my head now :x
Beanie! You still in this thread? Have you slept?

Oh, and Mason has screwball scramble! I bought it him from a car boot sale!
Yvonne said:
Kim, i know you secretly play with them when mick's gone to bed! you told me so!!! :dance: :dance:

Aw you promised not to tell lol

Honestly though I can't wait til Rubie's old enough so I can get them all out!!!
Yeah yeah you just can't wait to be able to get them out and play and people not think your strange!!! lol
I think everyone who knows me already knows I'm strange lol :lol:
Thought i remembered all my childhood toys till i read this! :D I loved my fuzzy felts and my MR proffeser. And that record player, i remember having that at my 5th birthday party as the music. Thought I was so cool!
I've still got screwball scramble lol

I had another thing similar to that but it went upwards. Cant remember what it was called though!? Something king i think :? Does anyone know what it could've been?

I've still got Mad Cap Marathon too did anyone else used to plat this? I was the best ever at it!!!!
Urchin, I had the Fisher price phone and my brothers and sister were still playing with it even when the spring had broken and there were no stickers left on it!

My favourite was their cash register though, I played with it till I was 9 or 10, and kept fixing the spring of the drawer myself.

I also had a "Tiny tears" doll - you know, the old ones with a big head of blonde hair even though they were supposed to be newborns, and she could wee in her nappy! I called her Daphne.

I had a Golliwog too - such a racist toy!

I'd forgotten all about half these toys! I had the yellow teapot, the treehouse, screwball scramble, that owl calculator, and loads of other ones!
Fantastic!!! I had most of those fisher price toys and also the green tree house!!!!! I wanted the treehouse for ages, I went shopping with my parents to get it for my birthday, got home, took it out the box, and my brother reached over and broke the door off the bottom of the tree-trunk! :twisted:

So I went and stabbed his Stretch Armstrong with a pair of scissors!!!


What about these......? I played for hours with it!


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