Favourite childhood toys

I had that fisher price record player. I'd totally forgotten about it! I was alway envious of the boys with Fisher Price garage. They were cool!

I was a bit of a Sindy fan. I had a Sindy horse. Wow!

Actually anything my older brother had was good. He had a train set and a scaletrix! I had a Baby Alive though, that you could feed and it poo-ed it out the other end! :lol:
I know its technicaly not a toy but can anyone remeber this

GOD I FEEL SO OLD!!! looking at all these toys i used to have - id forgotten about the green tree house and the record player thing!!

I was a terrible tomboy and had Action force figure, starwars, he-man, whch would also play along side sindy and barby in my sindy house!!! :doh:

I wanted one of those pooing dolls but wasn't allowed!...wonder why!!
Keepers keepers, whats inside those keepers


Loved my popple too, mine was Potato Chip but couldn't find a pic

and Poochie

I had that dog!!! I remember wanting that tree house.
I used to love my Sindy too and had a sindy range rover - it was red and the seatbelts really worked!!

I remember being really jealous of my friend who had the Sindy House !!
lol - feel old now!

I also used to want Mr Frosty for Christmas - which I also never got!!! - but my mate bought me one last year for a laugh :lol:

L x
Urchin that is the second time you have done that!! My OH has just asked if I can remeber Major Morgan and I was just about to post it. :D
Cheaper then the treehouse. Managed to find one but its going for £63 at the moment
Urchin, i've just been looking for that, i thought it was a calculator- fantastic!!!
hahaha, third time. I loved my one of those, the garage was my favourite bit for some reason??? :?
see, I loved the traffic light above the bridge that you had to turn around to make the colours change :)
my favioute toy was a very old doll (my mum and my aunt had played with it when they were small) and the dolls name was lolo my mum had named the doll.
beanie said:
I know its technicaly not a toy but can anyone remeber this


Oh my lordy, I used to have one of those, how funny is that!

I used to play with the Care Bears & My Little ponies alot. Other toys I used to love was the Play Doh dentists head, fuzzy felt, my huge (well, i thought it was at the time) Sindy house(sorry Lisa! :( ) (I had a Sindy horse too Helen) and my lolo-ball. I did play with cars alot, probably only because my brother did so I thought it was cool! :lol:

I used to play with my dollies alot too, we had alot of birthday parties in my bedroom. I used to wrap up my toys in newspaper & my dolls would open them! :lol: that was until one day my bedroom floor was covered in paper, I looked down & an enormous spider was sitting on my thigh,I screamed for about 10 mins & never had another birthday again!! :( My Mum told me it because of all the paper & mess :evil:

Nicki.x :D
urchin your making me feel old lol i had most of them toys you were showing pics of lol

Ive never seen most the toys you guys had??
I rememeber the vacuum that you push and the balls make popping sounds they are still around but it was my fav :D
I'm a Fisher Price freak - all my faves were fisher price

I loved my tree house too, and my till. We've still got the fisher price garage somewhere :oops: OH has taken the kids to school with a stern NO when I showed him some stuff on ebay :(

I also had a chalkboard / paint easel, with elastic bits down the sides and a wooden platform to stand on. And a post office *with a working stampy thing*. OMG, I want to be little again :cry: . Looking at the toys my kids have, there's no way they'll look back in 25yrs time with such fondness.

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