Fathers spending the first night with mother on postnatal wa


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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What do you think of this? I was reading my pregnancy magazine today and there is talk from some person (can't remember who), who says that all postnatal wards should be changed so that the fathers can spend the first night with the mother and the newborn together on the postnatal ward.

i think it's a nice idea, and something that really should be looked into!
malc spent the week with me but we had a room and it was so nice
Well, it is a great idea and I think all of the new mums think like me! I had a c-section, and first night with crying baby was really tought! There were not enought nurses, and every time I needed help with baby/me I had to call one. Wish my DH hve been there. It would have been so much easier. And it would also ease up nurses work.
So, I am all for that! :dance:
Richard slept with me every night for the whole five days i was in hospital. I think it really helped me.
I have chosen to have baby in nearest birthing centre for this reason. He is able to stay with me and we get private room. They have said that if all rooms are taken then they will push two beds together for us on the ward :D . Otherwise I would have been having a home birth.
This is another home birth reason for me. My OH cant drive and if I went to hospital I wouldnt want him leaving me and he wouldn't be able to get to and from the hospital very easy. He has said that he will sleep in the hospital waiting room if we do have to go in! I think its the last thing you want to do after you have just had a baby being left on your own the first few days are needed for bonding with daddy too.
Spending the first 7nights without OH was one of the worst possible things that could have happened and it negatively affected his relationship with Isaac and me after the birth and took a long time to rectify. I think it should be the case Father's are allowed to stay already, its absolutely scandalous they can't, it's their baby too :roll:
Dh got to spend the entire time with me after lil miss was born... it was really nice :)
the maternity ward here allow one 'support person' to be with the mother and baby between 12noon and 8pm.

visitors and patients own children are only allowed to visit (as far as i remember) for a 2 hour time slot sometime in the afternoon.
It definitely ought to be allowed. DH wasn't allowed to stay with me past 10pm both times I gave birth (except for with Alex because I gave birth around 10pm so they let him stay until I was transferred into a room - sometime after midnight) and it was SO hard, especially with my first baby when I was unsure of what I was doing, to be alone all night with a newborn.
i wish they wouldve let my OH stay with me a bit longer :(

When i had Izzie i had to have a manual placenta removal. I was in theatre for about 3 hours after having her, so by the time i was finished it was about 2.30 in the morning and they sent him straight home :cry: This was awful for me cos i was in complete shock about everything as i'd found it all quite traumatic, and i hadnt had anytime to bond with my baby as i hadnt had any skin to skin :cry: I was in tears when they told him her had to go...i literally only got about 20 mins with him and Izzie in total which i found really upsetting :( They should change it so that peoples OH's can stay.
Oh yes i think fathers should be allowed to stay with mother and babies. I know i would have felt so much better if OH was with me throughout the nights i was in hospital.
I had Calleigh at 12.30am and OH helped me bath afterwards. Me, OH and mum all had a cup of tea after my bath and i was moved to the ward at about 4am, and OH and mum were sent home. Even tho OH came straight back to the hospital at about 11am i still found it horrible not to have him with me. Plus they then kept me in the following night. I couldnt wait to go home so we could all be together.
That should be standard if the mother wants. it.

My friend was on the ward when she had her baby and there was this man giving his wife grief about bf, saying she wasnt trying hard enough.

I would have kicked him hard in the nuts. :shakehead:

I would have loved my dh to be with me, especially the second time round as the section was bad.
We had one person who was allowed to be there 8am-8pm, Oliver was born at 8.57pm and OH was asked to leave about 12.30 after we'd been cleaned up and put into our room. I really wish he had been allowed to stay, they told us he couldn't for security reasons, even though we had a private room and all babies had electronic tags, plus the fact that you couldn't leave the ward without a midwife letting you out.

I felt really lonely once he'd gone and it would have made such a difference if he'd been there, especially at a time when most women are so emotional. I'd consider a home birth next time just to have his support afterwards. I was exhausted, overwhelmed and I just wanted a cuddle! I left as early as I could the next day so luckily I only had the one night without him.
I was in hospital by myself both times, and I hated it...

Especially after Paige was born as she was having anti biotics so we had to stay atleast 3 days without OH, it was horrible.
That's one of the reasons I had a home birth last time and will hopefully have another one this time. It wouldn't have felt right without OH there.
i was in hospital a month and he didnt stay one night , but leland was in neonatel the first night anyway would have been nice if he stayed the next tho
I wasn't happy with OH having to go home - especially as I'd planned a homebirth and so expected him to be there. I was left to it in the hospital and I had no idea what I was doing.

That's one of the reasons I said there was no way I was staying a 2nd night!

I gave birth at 8:50pm and my mum and OH stayed until about 2am and OH was back at 9am the next morning but in the time without him I was counting down the minutes!
This is the main reason i want a home birth this time. i hated being in hospital on my own and had to stay for 3 nights coz of my blood pressure. then jack lost weight and we had to stay in another night. and i was hysterical about it all :( i just really felt like i wasnt coping and didnt want to be on my own.
I agree, I think it should be allowed.

First time round wasn't so bad cos I had a straightforward labour with Josh so I was in my own room from start to finish, but with Ryan I was on the ward for a week and I hated it. OH leaving to go home every night was the worst feeling ever :cry:

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