threatening a 7 months pregnant woman!

i cant believe people like this they are nothing but pure scum. they should get all the scum people put them on an island then blow it up.

sorry for the outburst. :evil:
oh my god hun :hug: :hug: :hug: poor you if i was you i would phone housing up every day and keep telling them you want to make a formal complaint keep on at them all the time eventually they will do something also maybe get your doctor to write a letter for you saying its affecting your health with all the worrying and send that into the housing too it might help you get moved quicker xxxx
Ive sent a letter out yest recorded delivery to my housing assoc, and last night I phoned and left a message asking for them to ring me back. But havent heard anything back today. They havent had the decency to contact me :x so thats it im going to talk to a solicitor about it. Ive totaly had it with my neighbours and housing association.

Thnaks for the advice girls means alot :hug: xx
i would love to come over there and kick ten tonne of sh*t out of that stupid b*!?* and her dumbass mother too!!!! AHEM..sorry

i know that would be stooping to there level and wouldnt solve anything but i'm sure you'd feel a whole lot better! hehe

now i'm not pregnant anymore and i'm feeling more like my old self..i feel less fragile and would be more up for a! but seriously sorry that your going through this hun these ppl sound like a law unto themselves i only hope something gets done about it soon for you.
the last thing you need right now is extra stress! poor you :hug: :hug: :hug: try not to lt it get you down and just keep a low profile babe. xxxx
its almost like we share the same house! i hate people around here, its like people have been drugged or something...they must lack drama in there life! :| sad really.
omfg, how evil r they ?
You poor you, you should get the police to escourt you everywhere and get them to assist when you move out~! i would move asap, i thought i had it bad, but omg poor you sending hugs xx
People like that make my blood boil, they should be strung up for being a complete waste of space. I agree with the others keep on hounding the housing association.
Hope you get it sorted soon hun. :hug:

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