FAO anyone with PND

Hope your feeling better Layla. I dont know much about drugs but I do know that somtimes its harder to wean yourself off them than to not bother in the first place.

Take care xx
haveing a bad day today :(

thinking about it, im nt sure it is PND, i think it might just be normal depression, (not that depression is normal!)

i was fine yesterday but last night me and jase fell out, woke up this morning to him ignoreing me and now im really down today.

Oh hunnie I'm sorry you're feeling so down, it's shit isnt it :(

I have been told I have PND (as you know) but I had depression long before i had Damien so I think it's 'normal' depression, they think possibly BiPolar Depression as I am up and down (manic depressive).

I know alot of people give meds a bad name, but maybe it's wortth speaking to your GP to see if he can give you a low dose of something to pick you up? Or speak to your HV?


I spoke to my HV yesterday, she wants me to think about going to a sure start group.

im not fussed tho.


Sami said:
I know alot of people give meds a bad name, but maybe it's wortth speaking to your GP to see if he can give you a low dose of something to pick you up? Or speak to your HV?

Completely agree with Sami.

layla said:
there are a few reasona why i want to TTC so soon,

im used to broken sleep
i still have baby fat
feeling down
have all the baby stuff.

so i fugre its pointless to get my body and mind back to normal only to lose it all over again, best off doing it now. makes sense in my head anyways lol

they are some of the reason why i wanted another one now. but DH thinks it is best if we wait till eva is 2yrs and 3months to start so there is a 3yr gap. i'm sorry about your PND. when did it start coming on? xx

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