What is wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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guys im so misriable and i dont know why, i have no reason to feel this way, i have 3 lovely kids, a nice house, a fantastic husband and a couple of good friends, yet im so unhappy its unreal!

I despreatly need a change, i need something to look forward to, i need a fresh start yet i dont know what i want a fresh start from, i can not make sense of it myself so i dont expect any of you to either, i just wish i knew what was going on in my head.

Yesterday things got so on top of me that i wanted to walk away and never come back, WHY??! i dont get it.

Its defo not PND because i have had that before, and i love Coby to bit and love spending time with him so its nothing to do with him.

I just need a break i think, im so fed up with waking up every day and doing the same thing over and over again, cleaning the house only to have it messsed up again 10 mins later.

I would love to go to work just to have some me time, but jase works shifts and i dont want to leave Coby with a childminder, plus, its my job to bring him up and be there for him untill he starts school, i truly belive that, so im selfish for wanting a job.

I dont even know where im going with this, im just letting it all come out, i want to move so badly, i feel trapped in this area now and i dont feel there is anything left for me here, Id love to move away with jase and the kids, somehwere i dont know and start new but with our debts its just not possible.

sorry i have ranted loads havnt i, i just want to feel good about myself and everything again, but right now i hate my life and shouldnt, i just dont get it

Ahh hun, things do get to us. The joys of being parents.
Have you tried getting out more and meeting people with children the same age as yours?

Why dont you have a day for yourself? Go out, leave the kids with family and do things you enjoy? Go out with your hubby so you can have quality time together.

I get down some days i feel like leaving. I love my family to death but sometimes i feel my life is so boring with the same routine/ I go back work in 3 weeks, i cant wait. I do feel guilty but i need to do it for me and fiancially. I am doing part time 3 days a week so its good for me and my children still get quality time with me.
Awwww hun :hug:

I think maybe things are getting on top of you a bit. After what you have been through in the last few months you're bound to be feeling all over the place. Is there anyway you can take a break by yourself, even if it's just shopping for the day or something you enjoy? We all need time to ourselves, we're all still human and have feelings and needs. Maybe you could be suffering from some sort of depression? I've suffered from depression before and it's the most awful thing in the whole world. You could always go to your gp hun and just have a chat?

I really hope things are better for you soon hun, I hate to think of people being down because I know how awful it feels. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww hun :hug:
I don't really have any advice for uou i just wanted to say that that post could have been writen by me

So i know exactly what you are going through.
Each day is just the same thing over and over and i feel what is the point trying to keep house tidy

Try and have time out for yourself even if it is locking yourself in the bathroom/bedroom for a couple of hours and letting OH deal with the chaos

Have you told OH how you feel? i kept it bottled up for ages and was crying at everything, then he made me sit down and tell him what was wrong and i felt so much better to let it all out

He even phones me in middle of day to see how i am doing bless him

hope you can get out of this soon

Am always here for a rant if you need it hun :hug:

Oh hun sorry your feeling so crappy everyone has there days hopefully you can get everything sorted soon maybe its just a faze your going through?is there someone close to you , you can talk to?
How are you feeling now?

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