FAO anyone with PND


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Hi guys

is there anyone here who has PND that doesnt take anti depressants?

Mine is getting worse, prob a combaination of a few things, Jase working shifts, money prob, Coby being clingy and now his weight thing.

I really dont want to go on tablets, im trying my best to hold off but its hard! wanted to find someone to give me suport and encouragement to carry on the fight

hey hun,

Sorry you are feeling lke this. If you don't mind me asking why don't you want to use antidepressants? I was against them but have found that I am so much more able to cope and can now start addresing my underlying factors whereas without them I coul;dn't even get dressed, However if you really don't want to use them there are a number of alternative remedies. Homeopathic remedies are meant to be very effective but you do need to talk to a homeopath just because these treatments are "natural" they are still medicines and need expert advice. Aromatherapy is also very effective, using neroli (peace), jasmine(confidence) and sandalwood (sedate). Lavender is a great all round soother and lemongrass can be uplifting. These combined with a massage would be great. However you are TCCing at the moment so I really would advise speaking with a qualified aromatheraoist for advice as there are some oils that should be avoided.

Anither well known remedy for depression is St Johns Wort which is great for anxiety but I don't think it can be used during pregnancy. Then there are also therapies such as acupuncture and refexology. I have used aromatherapy and St John's wort in the past but as i am bfing i have not used it this time round. hope this has helped a bit, xxxx

Layla i hope your okay hun , hope you figure out what works for you best.
xxx Katrina
hi guys,

I dont want to go on anti depressants coz i was on them last time and they didnt really help, the doc up'd my dose to see if it was any better and it made me worse coz i was zonked out on them, i was up and down so much and im the end had to wean myself off them as they didnt do much to help. they were seroxate (sp?) i just dont want to go through all that hassle again.

im coping with Coby fine, altho he is clingy, its everythng else im finding hard, jase works shifts and he allways seems to be working at times wehre i need him most, dinner times, bath times, bedtimes. so i have to sort the kids out on my own, plus wash up, do bottles, packed lunchs, homework, all this while having Coby on my hip to stop him from crying.

money is a prob at the mo too, Jase had to work a month in hand so hes not bringing anythig in till next month, so im paying the morgage, bills, car etc by myself and its a struggle. as soon as he starts bring home money things will be fine.

i hate moaning and it seems thats all im doing at the mo :(

Hi Layla

Sorry to hear you're feeling down, it must be so exhausting doing the mega busy evening bit alone.

Have you thought about getting a sling to carry Coby about? At least that way you'll have two hands free and the weight will be spread across your body.

Hope you're feeling brighter soon,

Lucy x
Sorry to hear things are crap. Hope the TTC thing is putting any pressure on things and adding to the chaos of stuff :?

I have been on and off anxiety drugs since I was 12 so can't comment too much but I also know that counselling helped me as well and perhaps that can be a good first step before taking drugs?

hi hun,

yeah i have a sling, he wont go in it for long, he gets bored very easily, i have to constantly talkk to him and do new things to keep him entertained

not feeling to bad today, Charlie and Ethan are keeping Coby amused for now so i can have time out, plus i did some major retail theropy today, shoudnt off coz we cant afford it till next month but i figured what the hell!

jase is home at 9 tonight so at least i get to see him before i go to sleep, maybe tonught we can finaly TTC, coz we are not having much luck due to his shifts

TTC would be the last thing on my mind if I had PND - you are braver than I.

Let's hope tonight's the night but have fun ;)
sorry hun, i missed your first message, yeah the TTC thing isnt putting presure on anything coz he is hardly ever here to try so i doubt it will happen this month.

there are a few reasona why i want to TTC so soon,

im used to broken sleep
i still have baby fat
feeling down
have all the baby stuff.

so i fugre its pointless to get my body and mind back to normal only to lose it all over again, best off doing it now. makes sense in my head anyways lol

Hi Layla

Sorry you're feeling so down. I've not got PND but I have suffered with depression in the past and it's bloody awful.

I took anti-depressants and had counselling. The two things together really helped.

Have you seen in the news about Seroxat?? Apparently unless you're severely depressed it can make you feel even worse. I was on Prozac and that was great. I was bouncing off the ceiling within a week. Maybe you could talk to your doctor about altenatives.

Zara's going through a clingly phase at the moment. I wash a plate then jiggly her a bit then wash a cup, go back and pull funny faces at her etc...... Got terrible backache from carrying her around. I think she's teething or something. She's a right misery.

Yuck!! been eating a huge pile of mashed potato whilst reading and have squashed it into my keyboard :roll:

Hope things get better for you soon

LouisecH said:
Hi Layla

Have you seen in the news about Seroxat?? Apparently unless you're severely depressed it can make you feel even worse.


Hi hun,

I didnt hear that about seroxat? would explain alot tho, it didnt help me atall, i was a complete mess on it.

wow! well that certianly explains why it made me wrose rather than better, it put me off taking anti depressants totaly coz i thought all of them would have the same affect

Seroxat messed me up, I collapsed and they had to wean me off it and onto something else as I could not come off it quickly it's evil.
I was ok on seroxat ( :? ) but was only on them for a few months - its scary reading that article. Different antidepressants have different effects on people, it can take a while to find the right one for you and you have to give them about a month to really feel the effects. Hope you get it sorted x
I was on anti-ds when I was 19. Messed me up big stylee, especially when I just stopped taking them and didn't wean myself off. I can't explain how my head felt, but it was like I was a spectator to myself and wasn't seeing things in the 1st person IYKWIM.

I felt really down for a period of time starting a few weeks ago. I started really dwelling over a lot of things that happened in my past, hated DH doing anything for Ella even though I was finding her hard work and also became OBSESSED with breastfeeding and associated issues. Found myself craving acceptance from people I don't really know and would have hated pre-Ella, felt very insecure and low. Getting out of it now, but boy was it hard!
ironicly since making this thread i have started to feel a bit better, im not kidding myself tho, i know with PND you can have good and bad days, just enjoying the up days while they last!

Coby seems alot less clingy, yesterday he had a really good day, didnt need to run to him once, he was happy enough in his door bouncer so we could have cuddle times with no fuss, it was great :)

fingers crossed it lasts a while!

Glad you are feeling a bit better hunnie.

Was going to mention Seroxat too, it's a pretty heavy duty drug and my friends mum took years to be weaned off them. Prozac seems to suit most people, as it's one of the newer SSRI drugs.

Hugs xxx

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